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發布時間: 2023-09-23 02:16:32

㈠ 能說出十個可以吃的什麼花必採納!!!如麻花、菜花等!

9 Flowers You Probably Never Knew Were Eadible
1.Apple 蘋果花
Apple blossoms have a slightly floral taste and the petals are lovely in salads. Blossoms look attractive when floated in a fruit punch.
蘋果花有一種淡淡的香味,沙拉里的蘋果花也特別的好看。有花的果汁看起來更有食慾。 2.Day Lily 黃花菜
Day lily petals are great in salads, hot and cold soups, cooked . 黃花菜放在沙拉里、湯里、煮來吃都很不錯。 3.Jasmine 茉莉花
The flowers are intensely fragrant and are traditionally used for scenting tea but can also be added to shellfish dishes.
這種花的香味很濃郁,通常被用來泡茶,也可以在貝類菜品中加入。 4.Lavender 薰衣草
There are many ways to use lavender flowers in sweet or savoury dishes. Make a delicious lavender sugar and add to biscuits, sorbets, jams or jellies. Add flowers to vegetable stock and create a tasty sauce for ck, chicken or lamb dishes.
把薰衣草放在甜食和鹹食裡面有很多種方法。可以製作美味的薰衣草糖,也可以添加到餅干、冰沙、果醬和果凍裡面。 5.Marigold 金盞菊
The flowers and leaves have a citrus taste, making them ideal for adding to salads, sandwiches, seafood dishes or hot desserts.

金盞菊的花和葉子有橘子的香味,它們適合添加到沙拉、三明治、海鮮或熱甜點。 6.Nasturtium 旱金蓮
The fresh leaves and flowers have a peppery flavour. Try them combined with cream cheese, butter in canapés, or in a cheese and tomato sandwich. Nasturtium flowers can also be used to garnish steaks or casseroles.
新鮮的葉子和花有辛辣味。把旱金蓮加在冰淇淋、奶油點心裡,或者是乳酪和番茄三明治里。旱金蓮可以用來裝飾牛排或煮在砂鍋里。 7.Pansy 三色堇
Pansy flowers have a lettuce-like flavour and make a decorative addition to a green salad, garnish.They can be used to decorate cakes, cookies or creamy desserts.
三色堇的味道有點像萵苣,可以用來放在沙拉里做裝飾。也可以用來裝飾蛋糕、餅乾和奶油甜點。 8.Rose 玫瑰
As a general rule, if a rose smells good, it will taste good. Petals have a delicate flavour which will improve cool drinks and fruit dishes.
一般來說,如果玫瑰花聞起來很香,那口感肯定也很不錯。花瓣有一種很淡的味道,可以用來提高冷飲、果盤的口感。 9.Rosemary 迷迭香
Rosemary flowers and leaves can be used with poultry or pork – try adding a few flowers to biscuit dough to add flavour.
迷迭香的花和葉子都可以和禽類和豬的肉放在一起---在餅干里加入迷迭香花瓣也會另有一種風味。10 「蟲草花」並非花,實質上是蟲草子實體,而不是冬蟲夏草子實體。培養基是仿造天然蟲子所含的各種養分,包括穀物類、豆類、蛋奶類等,屬於一種真菌類。與常見的香菇、平菇等食用菌很相似,只是菌種、生長環境和生長條件不同。 為了跟冬蟲草區別開來,商家起了一個美麗的名字,把它叫做「蟲草花」,蟲草花外觀上最大的特點是沒有了「蟲體」,而只有橙色或者黃色的「草」。蟲草花是新會蟲草,北冬蟲草的簡統稱,俗名不老草,是蟲,菌結合的葯用真菌,現代珍稀中草葯,北冬蟲夏草屬於真菌門,子囊菌綱,肉座菌目,麥角菌科,蟲草屬。它主要生長在我國的北方增加地區。北蟲草不僅含有豐富的蛋白質和氨基酸,而且含有30多種人體所需的微量元素,是上等的滋補佳品。

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