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花語 英文

1. Flower Language
是名..愛 A Rose is a Rose is... ...
普羅旺來斯的源山居 Living by the Hills
花語 Flower Language
散步的裙擺 A Walk in the Field ...
2. lilla e rose
watermark_new_small 花語(lilla e rose)
經典意式拼配咖啡 80%阿拉比卡豆、20%羅伯斯特水洗豆
3. Language of flowers
中文: 花語 | 德語: Blumensprache | 英語: Language of flowers | 西班牙語: Lenguaje de las flores | 法語: Langage des fleurs | 日語: 花言葉 |

② 花語的英文是什麼

花語(抄英語稱language of flowers)是指人們用花來表達人襲的語言,表達人的某種感情與願望,在一定的歷史條件下逐漸約定形成的,為一定范圍人群所公認的信息交流形式。






③ 各種花的花語以及它的含義(說十種)

1.Rose language
Rose: love, love and beauty, radiant Dousou
Rose (red): passion, love with your
Rose (pink): moved, declaration of love, engraved in the heart, love
玫瑰(粉紅):打動、愛的宣言、銘刻於心 、初戀
Rose (white): flexibility, innocence, reverence
Rose (yellow): infidelity, jealousy
Roses (bouquet): Happy Love
Rose (bud): beautiful and she explains
玫瑰 (花苞): 優美和芳華 Rose (Red + White): A total of
玫瑰 (紅+白): 共有 Rose (red + yellow): happy
玫瑰 (紅+黃): 高興 Rose (Black): You are evil, and everything for me
玫瑰(黑) :你是惡魔,且為我一切
2.Tulip florid
鬱金香花語 Tulip: expression of love, honor, and wish a permanent
鬱金香:愛的表達、榮譽、祝願永久 Tulip (red): declaration of love, happiness, love
鬱金香(紅):愛的宣言、高興、酷愛 Tulip (pink): beauty, love, happiness
鬱金香(粉):尤物、酷愛、幸福 Tulip (yellow): noble, take care, property
鬱金香(黃):高尚、保重、財產 Tulip (purple): Endless love, love
鬱金香(紫):無盡的愛、最愛 Tulip (white): innocent, pure
鬱金香(白):純情、純真 Tulip (color): beautiful you, happy encounter
鬱金香(雙色):優美的你、喜邂逅 Tulip (Feather): mind rain
3.Lily Language
Lily: well, all wishes come true, wishes and noble. (No more than it is ominous in Japan, flower, beautiful words on their own that it was "beheaded")
百合:順遂、心想事成、祝願、高尚。(不外它在日本是很不祥的花,日自己說它的花語是「斬頭」) Lily (white): innocence, dignity, out of tune
Lily (AOI): success, honor, and rank
百合(葵):成功、榮譽、貧賤 Lily (JI): property, honor, charity, vulgar
百合(姬):財產、榮譽、清純、庸俗 Lily (wild): permanent happiness
百合 (野) : 永久幸福
Foxtail lily: elegance, prosperity, good
Corn lily: stubborn love, heroic
玉米百合:固執的愛、英勇 Lily Li Code: competence, dignity, good
Christmas Lily: The Joy, celebration, the truth
Narcissus Lily: happy, wait for encounter
水仙百合:高興、等待邂逅 White Lily: mean Bainianhaohe, great love
白百合:意味百年好合、巨大的愛 Lilies: means pure, vulgar
Yellow Lily: means the property, noble
黃百合:意味財產、高尚 4.Carnation Flower language
康乃馨花語 Carnation: Mother I love you, passion, truth
康乃馨:母親我愛您、熱情、真情 Carnation (red): the confidence of your love
Carnation (pink): love, beautiful
康乃馨(粉紅):酷愛、亮麗 Carnation (white): my love everlasting, real love, innocence
5.Alice florid
愛麗斯花語 Iris (Alice): good audio, Jade Bird to nostalgia for you
Iris germanica: Sacred
Iris: third resist, concentric
6.Hyacinth florid
風信子花語 Hyacinth: happy, love, happiness, passion
風信子:高興、愛意、幸福、濃情 Hyacinth (white): comfortable
Hyacinth (blue): perseverance, chastity
Hyacinth (purple): sad
風信子(紫):傷心 7.Camellia florid
茶花語 Camellia: love, politely refuse, the love of ambition, which may not be the charm
山茶花:心愛、辭讓、抱負的愛、了不得的魅力 Camellia (white): a simple naive
山茶花 (白) : 單純天真
Camellia (red): natural beauty
山茶花 (紅) :天生麗質 8.Chrysanthemum Flower language
菊花花語 Chrysanthemum: pure, noble, I love you, the truth
菊花:清凈、高潔、我愛你、真情 Aster: recollected, reliable and love, please believe me
翠菊:追想、可靠的愛情、請相信我 Chun Ju: for love divination
June Ju: parting
Dong Ju: leave
冬菊:別離 France Kogiku: patience
法國小菊:忍耐 Cineraria: happy
瓜葉菊:快樂 Cosmos: wild beauty
波斯菊:野性美 Cosmos: innocent girl
大波斯菊:少女純情 Marigold: Friendship
萬壽菊:友情 Cornflower: slim, elegant
Ju straw: the eternal memory, characterized in mind
麥桿菊:永恆的記憶、刻畫在心 Ju care scales: everlasting love
鱗托菊:永遠的愛 9.Florid pink
石竹花語Carnation: pure love, talent, bold, feminine
石竹:純潔的愛、才能、大膽、女性美Clove pink: a bold, positive
丁香石竹:大膽、積極Colorful pink: female beauty
五彩石竹:女性美Carnation: enthusiastic
香石竹:熱心 10.Lotus Flower language
Silver Lotus Flower language: Expecting
銀蓮花 花語:期待
White Lotus, a symbol of regret nostalgia.
白蓮花, 象徵惋惜懷念之情
Snow lotus beautiful words: pure heart
雪片蓮 花語:純潔的心
Snow lotus, Whisper; renegade


④ 求各種花的花語,最好還加上英語翻譯!

AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself For Me, Temperance, Fragile, Passion
杜鵑花 - 為了我保重你自己,溫暖的,脆的,強烈的感情
BLUEBELL - Humility
野風信子 - 謙虛
CACTUS - Enrance
仙人掌 - 忍耐
CAMELLIA - Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift to a Man
茶花 - 贊賞,完美,給男人以好運氣的禮物
CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Womanized Love
康乃馨(一般的說) - 魅力使人柔弱的愛
Shining When I'm With You, Respect
水仙花 - 關心,不計報答的愛,你是我的唯一,和你在一起時總是陽光明媚,尊敬
DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness
蒲公英 - 忠誠,幸福
DARK CRIMSON 暗紅色玫瑰 ——Mourning 悲傷;哀悼
RED 紅玫瑰 ——Love, I Love You
FORGET ME NOT - True Love, Memories
勿忘我 - 真愛,記憶
FORSYTHIA - Anticipation
連翹 - 預料
GRASS - Submission
草 - 服從
IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection
常春藤 - 結合的愛,忠實,友誼,情感
LILY (WHITE) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly To Be With You
百合花(白色) - 童貞,純潔,威嚴,和你在一起如同天堂
STOCK - Bonds Of Affection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful To Me
紫羅蘭 - 感情的監禁,機敏,對我而言你永遠那麼美
太陽花 - 驕傲
VIOLET - Modesty, Virtue
紫羅蘭 - 質朴,美德
ZINNIA (SCARLET) - Constancy
百日草(腓紅色) - 恆久不變

⑤ "花語"用英語怎麼說啊

the meaning of the flower

⑥ 花語用英語怎麼講

The language of flowers

The language of flowers

⑦ 花語的英語說法及含義


玫瑰(黃色) rose- 愛的減少,嫉妒,嘗試去關心 decrease of love, jealously, try to care

玫瑰(麝香薔薇串) rose (musk cluster)- 有魅力 charming

玫瑰(單枝全開的) rose (single full bloom)- 我愛你,我依然愛你 I love you, I still love you

玫瑰(花環或花冠) rose (garland or crown)- 當心美德(?),優點的獎賞,美德的象徵 beware of virtue, reward of merit, symbol of superior merit

玫瑰花蕾族派 rosebud- 青春的美麗,一顆對愛無知的心 beauty of youth, a heart innocent of love

玫瑰花蕾(紅) rosebud- 純潔而可愛 pure and lovely

玫瑰花蕾(白色) rosebud- 少女 girlhood

玫瑰花蕾(苔蘚) rosebud (moss)- 愛的自白 confessions of love

杜鵑花 azalea- 為了我保重你自己,溫暖的,脆的,強烈的感情,在中國是子宮的象徵 take care of yourself for me, temperance, fragile, passion, in China it's the symble of womanhood

楊梅 arbutus- 我只愛你 you are the only one I love

矢車菊 bachelor button- 單身的幸福 single blessedness

海棠 begonia- 小心 beware

愛爾蘭風鈴草 belis of Ireland- 好運氣 Good luck

野風信子 bluebell- 謙碼桐虛 humulity

凋零的花束 bouquet of withered flowers- 被拒絕的愛 rejected love

仙人掌 cactus- 忍耐 enrance

茶花 camellia- 贊賞,完美,給男人以好運氣的禮物 admiration, perfection, gift to a man for good luck

茶兆模賀花(粉色) camellia- 渴望著你 longing for you

茶花(紅色) camellia- 你是我心中的火焰 You're a flame in my heart

茶花(白色) camellia- 你值得敬慕 You're adorable

紫羅蘭 violet- 質朴,美德 modesty, virtue

紫羅蘭(蘭色) violet- 警戒,忠誠,我將永遠忠誠 watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true

紫羅蘭(白色) violet- 讓我們抓住幸福的機會吧 Let's take a chance on happiness

紫羅蘭 stock- 感情的監禁,機敏,對我而言你永遠那麼美 bonds of affection, promptness, You'll always be beautiful to me

康乃馨(一般的說) carnation- 魅力使人柔弱的愛 fascination, womanized love

康乃馨(粉色) carnation- 我永遠不會忘了你 I'll never forget you

康乃馨(紅色) carnation- 我的心為你而痛,贊賞 My heart aches for you, admiration

康乃馨(紫色) carnation- 任性 capriciousness

康乃馨(原色) carnation (solid color)- 是 yes

康乃馨(有斑紋) carnation (stripped)- 不!拒絕,我不能和你在一起 No! Refusal, sorry I can't be with you

康乃馨(白色) carnation- 甜蜜而可愛,天真無邪,純潔的愛,給女性帶來好運氣的禮物 sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, gift to women for good luck

康乃馨(黃色) carnation- 你讓我感到失望,拋棄 You have disappointed me, rejection

菊花(一般的說) chrysanthemum- 你是個了不起的朋友,快活與放鬆 You're a wonderful friend, cheerfulness and relax

菊花(紅色) chrysanthemum- 我愛 I love

菊花(白色) chrysanthemun- 事實,尊敬死者 truth,respect the death

菊花(黃色) chrysanthemum- 忽視的愛 slighted love

波斯菊 coreopsis- 永遠快樂 always cheerful

水仙花 daffodil- 關心,不計報答的愛,你是我的唯一,和你在一起時總是陽光明媚,尊敬 regard, unrequited love, You're the only one, The sun is always shining when I'm with you, respect

雛菊 daisy- 天真無邪,忠誠的愛,我永遠不會說的,純正 innocence, loyal love,, I'll never tell, purity

蒲公英 dandelion- 忠誠,幸福 faithfuleness, happiness

枯萎的葉子 dead leaves- 悲傷 sadness

勿忘我 forget me not- 真愛,記憶 True love, memories

梔子花 gardenia- 你可愛,秘密的愛 You're lovely, secret love

大蒜 garlic- 勇氣與力量 courage, strength

天竺葵 geranium- 愚蠢,荒.唐 stupidity, folly

劍蘭 gladiola- 讓我休息一下,我是真摯的,鬥士的花 give me a rest, I'm really sincere, flower of the gladiators

草 grass- 服從 submission

冬青 holly- 防禦,家庭幸福 defense, domestic hapiness

風信子(一般說來) hyacinth- 游戲和體育,富有,獻身與太陽神 games and sports, richness, dedicated to Apollo

風信子(藍色) hyacinth- 堅固 consistency

風信子(紫色) hyacinth- 對不起請原諒我,對不起 I'm sorry, please forgive me. Sorrow

風信子(紅色或粉色) hyacinth- 玩 play

風信子(白色) hyacinth- 可愛,我為你祈禱 loveliness, I'll pray for you

風信子(黃色) hyacinth- 嫉妒,羨慕 jealousy

愛麗絲(鳶尾屬植物)Iris- 法國的象徵,你的友情對我很重要,信任,希望,智慧與勇猛,我的問候,許諾 emblem of France, your friendship means so much to me, faith, hope, wisdom and valor, my compliments, promise

常春藤 Ivy- 結合的愛,忠實,友誼,情感 wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection

白色卷鬢的常春藤枝 Ivy sprig of white tendrils- 渴望取悅於,情感 anxious to please, affection

黃水仙 jonquil- 愛我吧,情感得到回報,慾望,同情,想要情感得到回報 love me, affection returned, desire, sympathy, desire for affection returned

丁香花 lilac- 美麗 beauty

百合花(橙色) lily- 仇恨 hatred

百合花(白色) lily- 童貞,純潔,威嚴,和你在一起如同天堂 virginity, purity, majesty, It's heavenly to be with you

百合花(黃色) lily- 我如在雲端,虛偽與放盪,感激 I'm walking on air, false and gay, gratitude

百合花(水芋) lily (calla)- 美麗 beauty

百合花(白天) lily (day)- 中國母親的象徵 Chineae emblem for mother

百合花(桉樹) lily (eucharis)- 處女的吸引力 maiden charms

百合花(虎) lily (tiger)- 財富,驕傲,繁榮 wealth, pride, prosperity

山谷的百合花 lily of the valley- 甜蜜,聖母瑪利亞的淚,重返幸福,謙虛,你使我的生命充實 sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, return to happiness, humility, You've made my life complete

鬱金香(一般) tulip- 完美的愛情, 傳說 ,荷蘭之國花幸運 perfect lover, fame, flower emblem of Holland, luck

鬱金香(紅色) tulip- 相信我,愛的宣言 believe me, declaration of love

鬱金香(雜色的) tulip (variegated)- 美麗的眼睛 beautiful eyes

鬱金香(黃色的) tulip- 陽光般的笑容 There's sunshine in your smile

太陽花 sunflower- 驕傲 pride

⑧ 花語用英語怎麼講

出自權Frederic Shoberl (1834, English) :The Language of Flowers

出自Henry Phillips (1825, English): Floral Emblems

出自Elizabeth WG Wirt (1829, U.S.): Flora's Dictionary

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