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發布時間: 2023-07-17 22:20:59

A. 英語學習資料:西方情人節的傳說與6個風俗

你一定知道明天——2月14日是什麼日子,因為那就是舉世共知的「情人節」。但是,你知道為什麼這一天是情人節嗎?為什麼它的英文是「Valentine』s Day」而不此顫是「Lovers』 Day」?


In ancient Rome, the Emperor Claudius II found it hard to get soldiers and felt the reason was men did not wish to leave their wives and families. As a result Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome.

A romantic at heart priest, Valentine, defied Claudius's unjustified order. He secretly married couples. When his defiance was discovered, Valentine was imprisoned.

During Saint Valentine』s imprisonment, he healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius. After that, he fell in love with her. Before his death Valentine wrote a farewell letter to his sweetheart from the jail and signed 『From your Valentine'. The expression became quite popular amongst love struck and is still very much in vogue.

Finally, Valentine was killed on February 14, about 270 AD. That』s the day, the Saint Valentine』s Day.

不畏強權,為愛堅守,這是St. Valentine給人最深刻的印象。這也就是為什麼後世的人為了紀念他、表達對愛情的珍重而將他死去的2月14日定為「Saint Valentine』s Day」的原因了。歷經了從古羅馬到21世紀的漫長演變,實際上情人節要慶讓畢祝的「愛」也變得更廣義了。愛,從來不應該被束縛在簡單的愛情中。


1. Looking for Dates

One of the most popular customs of Valentine's Day observed worldwide is to go on a date with your sweetheart. Those without a date start looking for one days before the festival.

2. Wishing 『Happy Valentine's Day' to all We Love

People take opportunity of the day to wish 『Happy Valentine's Day' to anyone they love be it father, mother, teachers, siblings, friends, co-workers or just anyone special to them. The idea behind this tradition is to celebrate love, get love and give love to everyone around us.

3. Valentine's Day Custom of Exchanging Notes

One of the most monly observed Valentine's Day customs is the exchange of notes and greeting cards called 『Valentines'. Most monly used pictures in Valentine's Greetings include red roses, hearts and Cupid - the god of love.

4. Valentine's Day Tradition of Exchanging Gifts

Some of the most popular gifts exchanged between lovers on Valentine's Day are fresh flowers - mainly roses, chocolates and teddy bears. Fine jewelry is increasingly being a popular St Valentine's Day gift for women. Candies are also gifted to dear ones including grandparents, parents, siblings, teachers and friends. This is because Valentine's Day is increasingly being regarded as the festival that celebrates love between two indivials and not just lovers.

5. An Occasion to Dine and Wine

The other most traditional way to celebrate Valentine's Day is to go for romantic candlelight dinners with one's Valentine. Many also choose to propose their dates in such a romantic setting and say the golden words, 『I love you'. Many people also organize Valentine's Day Couple's parties in their homes where lovers have a blast in the pany of friends. Those without a partner organize Valentine's Day Single's Party and have a good time dancing and playing games with other friends who are single.

6. Valentine's Day Celebrations in Schools

In several countries including United States and Canada there is a tradition to organize Valentine's Day classroom parties in schools. In such parties children exchange chocolates and Valentine's Day cards with their friends. Senior school children usually organize Valentine's Day dance parties and have fun with friends.


B. Jill怎麼發音

Jill發音:英 [dʒɪl]



(1)Jill stuart 吉爾·斯圖爾特 ; 吉爾斯圖爾特 ; 吉爾 ; 斯凱罩攔圖爾特

(2)Jill Vidal 衛詩

(3)Jill Hsu 徐婕兒 ; 徐潔兒

(4)Jill Abramson 愛博松 ; 艾布拉姆森 ; 阿布拉姆森

(5)Jill Lepore 萊波雷盯胡

(6)Jill Stein 候選人史坦

(7)Jill Neimark 奈馬克 ; 內馬克 ; 吉爾·內馬克

(8)jill grant 吉爾·格蘭特悶頃

(9)Jill Briscoe 布里斯柯



1、釋義:n. 情人;情人節禮物

2、英 [ˈvæləntaɪn] 美 [ˈvæləntaɪn]



(1)Don Valentine 瓦倫丁 ; 唐·瓦倫丁 ; 瓦倫坦 ; 凡倫汀

(2)Valentine Day 情人節 ; 瓦倫丁節 ; 日瓦朗蒂娜

(3)James Valentine 瓦倫潭 ; 瓦倫丁 ; 瓦倫蒂諾 ; 瓦倫汀

(4)Saint Valentine 聖瓦倫丁 ; 聖華倫泰 ; 情人節

(5)Shirley Valentine 第二春 ; 雪莉情人節 ; 雪莉 ; 雪莉·瓦倫丁

(6)Harpy Valentine 天哭星 ; 天哭星巴連達因 ; 巴連達因

(7)Denzel Valentine 瓦倫丁 ; 登澤爾

(8)Dirk Valentine 鎖鏈將軍 ; 蒸汽要塞 ; 天空城堡 ; 德克情人節

(9)Bloody Valentine 血腥情人 ; 血染情人節

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