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發布時間: 2020-12-29 08:44:34

① 「荷花」的英文怎麼拼

lotus 和 water lily都可以

② 荷花的英文單詞是什麼

【water lily】

③ 荷花用英語怎麼說

lotus / water lily

④ 荷花的英文的什麼

學名:Nelumbo nucifera

英名:Lotus flower(Hin Lotus)

⑤ 荷花的英語是什麼

lotuslotus flower

After the rain the lotus flowers looked fuller.

⑥ 英文版蓮花的資料

Lotus of perennial aquatic plants. Rhizome (lotus) hypertrophy multi-section, will occur in the water sediment. Shield-shaped leaves circular, the surface dark green, were waxy white powder on the back of gray-green, full-margin and were wavy. Petioles cylindrical, dense barb. Hua Shan was born in pedicel to the top, high above the surface of the water care, there is Rosa xanthina, double valve, plena and re-sets and other flowers; colored white, pink, dark red, lavender or indirectly, such as changes in color; stamen majority; pistil from the Health and buried in mass inverted cone-shaped sponge receptacle, the receptacle surface of a honeycomb-like holes in the majority of scattered, enlarged graally after fertilization is called Lian Peng, each hole of endogenous small nuts (seeds). Flowering in June -9 months, the daily morning twilight closed to open. Fruit maturity in September -10 months. Lotus cultivars are many different uses can be divided in accordance with lotus lotus, lotus and Hualien three major sub-systems.
Lotus originating in China, from Vietnam to Afghanistan are generally located in Central Asia, West Asia, North America, India, China, Japan and other subtropical and temperate regions. China as early as more than 3000 years ago, that is cultivated today in Liaoning and Zhejiang were found carbonized ancient lotus seeds, it shows a long history. Taiwan region is only 100 years ago, imported from Japan, at present, Paiho Tainan, Chiayi area, cultivating an area of nearly 350 hectares, the size of the majority, to become Taiwan's main tourist areas. Some remote areas in Asia so far there are wild lotus, but most of the lotus are planted to serve as a landscape ornamental and food, for example, Lotus has been in China as an economic crop. Many people have the misconception that flowers proced in Egypt and the Mediterranean area. BC about 500 years, introced the Egyptian lotus, may be caused by the Persians had brought. Ancient Egyptians decorated temples, capitals of the "lotus bud", imitated from the water lily, while Homer's epic "Olympic Lotus Cup" (Odyssey) is to drink down Zhe using date (with Lin does not matter) brewed beverages to enter Yi-ran to forget about trouble situation. The Greek writer Herodotus described Egypt's multi-Thoss when the plant wrote: "Like the river some roses grow lilies, like the yellow fruit grows in a pod where cellular. There are many like the olive-sized fruit can be consumed, you can eat fresh in , you can also eat dry. "He said obviously lotus. 荷花為多年生水生植物。根莖(藕)肥大多節,橫生於水底泥中。葉盾狀圓形,表面深綠色,被蠟質白粉背麵灰綠色,全緣並呈波狀。葉柄圓柱形,密生倒刺。花單生於花梗頂端、高托水面之上,有單瓣、復瓣、重瓣及重台等花型;花色有白、粉、深紅、淡紫色或間色等變化;雄蕊多數;雌蕊離生,埋藏於倒圓錐狀海綿質花托內,花托表面具多數散生蜂窩狀孔洞,受精後逐漸膨大稱為蓮蓬,每一孔洞內生一小堅果(蓮子)。花期6月-9月,每日晨開暮閉。果熟期9月-10月。荷花栽培品種很多,依用途不同可分為藕蓮、子蓮和花蓮三大系統。

⑦ 關於荷花的英文美句。


⑧ 荷花用英文怎麼講

lotus; lotus flower

⑨ 描述家鄉的荷花(英語)100個單詞

Early in the morning, I went to the park to play, one door on the smell a scent. I quickly ran to the lotus pool。
荷花已經開了不少了.荷葉挨挨擠擠的,像一個個碧綠的大圓盤.白荷花在這些大圓盤之 間冒出來.
Lotus has opened a lot. Lotus leaf enre enre crowded crowded like a large green disc. White lotus in between these large disc coming out.
Some petals are only a few children to start. Some petals are initiated abuse, exposing a small bright yellow lotus.
有的 還 是花骨朵兒,看起來飽脹得馬上要破裂似的.
Some or bud, satiety may look like an immediate rupture.
這么多的白荷花,一朵有一朵的姿勢.看看這一朵,很美;看看那一朵,也很美.如果把 眼前的這一池荷花看作是一大幅活的畫,那畫家的本領可真了不起.
So many white flowers, there is a one position. Take a look at this one, very beautiful; take a look at that one, but also very beautiful. If the front of the lotus pond is seen as a significant one live draw, the artist's ability to be really great.
I suddenly felt as if that is a lotus, wearing a white dress, standing in the sun.
一陣微風吹來,我就 翩翩起舞,雪白的衣裳隨風飄動.不光是我一朵,一池的荷花都在舞蹈.風過了,我停止舞蹈, 靜靜地站在那兒.
A gentle breeze blowing, I will dance, the wind fluttering white robes. Not only are my one, one of the lotus pond in the dance. After the wind, I stopped dancing, quietly standing there.
蜻蜓飛過來,告訴我清早飛行的快樂.小魚在腳下游過,告訴我昨夜做的好 夢……
Dragonflies fly over, told me early in the morning flight of Happiness. At the foot of the small fish to swim across, tell me to do last night's dreams ... ...
After a good while, I remember I am not a lotus, I look at this lotus.

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