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發布時間: 2021-01-05 15:34:09

『壹』 牡丹江用英語怎麼寫

在電影《智取威虎山》里,英文字幕把牡丹江翻譯成 Peony River ;按照一般習慣,牡丹江是Mudanjiang ;另外網路翻譯把牡丹江翻譯成Mudan River。這三種都可以。

『貳』 牡丹江英聯英語學校怎麼樣


『叄』 我的家鄉英語作文80字 (牡丹江) 速度進

Mudanjiang city is a major instrial city in Heilongjiang Province, she is located in the southeast of Heilongjiang province. North of Harbin, west ofSonghua River area, Jilin province to the south, bordering the East andJidong County, Jixi city and russia.
Mudanjiang Manchu peony ula to the transliteration, meaning curved river.She is a young city, it is a sparsely populated tal yellow, in 1903 the construction of the railway in the Middle East, Russia to set up a station here,because is located in Mudanjiang River, and named the Mudanjiang.Mudanjiang City terrain with mountains, hills, as the main body, commonly known as the "eight hill half water half minutes of cropland". Is in the temperatecontinental monsoon climate, known as the north "small Jiangnan".
The frontier region of Mudanjiang city is located in China's open border, the geographical position is superior, city construction accelerate themodernization process, various styles of buildings, hotels, restaurants,entertainment facilities, the wide flat city road, the beautiful environment of theresidential area, displaying the country North Pearl style.
Mudanjiang rich tourism resources and unique charm, between the beautifullandscape, dotted with charm Qixiu Lake Jingpo, a wide expanse of mist-covered waters of Lotus Lake, green with peony peak, attractive volcanoforest, has a long history of the Tang Dynasty ruins of Bohai country, snow"Chinese snow village" - Shuangfeng, make known to every family of thetiger, Yang Zirong the tomb, eight female cast Jiang Qundiao, coupled with the distinctive characteristics of the ice snow tourism, forest tourism, folklore tourism and the Sino Russian border tourism, every year, many Chinese and foreign tourists sorption. The area of Mudanjiang is also the landscapebeautiful, such as ski resort Yabuli, Sino Russian boundary Lake Xingkai Lake, river Wusu in Jilin River, Chang Mountain Province, Russia's Vladivostok is the world-famous resort.
Mudanjiang is an attractive lies in the fact that she is a blend of many kinds ofdiet culture city, the mutton slices cooked in hot pot, barbecue, fish feast,pancakes, gluten cake, noodles have their own characteristics, the most famous being the pig food and Korean dog meat feast. In the enjoyment offood more delicious, and a cup of fresh and delicious beer Lake Jingpo, it is a great pleasure in life. There are thousands of years of Gongmi Xiangshui rice,sweet and refreshing, sweet and crisp Ning'an watermelon Dongning apple pear, no pollution of delicacies, Pinggan Mingmu of Bear gall powder procts and so on, these procts elsewhere to see. If they are interested, you cango to Xiangshui rice planting base of ornamental stones by how long you wantrice, picking fruit in the orchard, it must bring their own special happiness.

『肆』 牡丹江哪裡學英語最好

建議還是去公立學校老師開的補課班,就是不學習,也有好處,這個就不多說了。關鍵是如果公立學校的老師開班補課,你要是不去,那麻煩就大了。 我當過老師,這里的水很深的,坑的都是孩子。
建議單獨找家教,且經常跟家教溝通。家教不是教孩子學習,更多的是幫他學習。家教是監督,顧問,朋友和老師,當然還是家長的卧底。 注意,找家教一定是性格開朗的大學生,或是教學風格新穎的教師,且一定是能夠長期做家教的人(最少也要半年)。

『伍』 牡丹江的英語補課班有什麼


  1. 首先,學習外語是一個循序漸進的過程。但你要明確自己學習英語的目的,如果只是單單為了升學,那麼在我看你就容易「迷路」。

  2. 語言是一門能力,但在中國的語境和思維方式中是很難領略真正的英語的,因為他們的口語表達和書面表達根本不像書本上學的,你見過外國人對話就知道了,例如:他們對廁所的表達方式就有好幾種WC(water closet的縮寫)、toliet、washroom等,外國人總喜歡在特定的語境中使用這些詞彙。所以,我們在學英語的同時更應該知道和英語有關的西方文化背景,題海總是徒勞無益,除非你能把握一種規律和技巧,你想取得比較高的成果著實是不易的。

  3. 中國人學的六七成以上都是啞巴英語,實踐性比較低,不管你是大學英語四級也好、六級也罷,你想和老外說話有時候你都不知道說什麼,這也應了上面我說的這個語境的問題。對於高中升學的同學來說,3000~4000個詞足以應付。

  4. 至於老師你就隨便去找個就可以,一定要聽課,我感覺高中補習一堂課著實挺貴的,別浪費錢。強調一點,你找的老師的解題思路一定要好,把握命題要准,對你英語中存在的弱項,在看過你寫的卷子後就要有能力一針見血的指出,只有這樣的老師才是可以引導你走向正規的老師。我在寒窗生涯遇到過無數老師,他們的一句話其實是可以影響並改變學生的一生的,而有些老師我認為他們只會扯。



『陸』 請問牡丹江哪裡學習英語最好

1.堅持不懈,從不間斷。每天至少看回 15-20 分鍾的英語,早答晨和晚上是學英語的最好時間。

『柒』 牡丹江專門教英語的學校有嗎


『捌』 黑龍江省牡丹江市有學英語的地方嗎


『玖』 牡丹江的英語介紹

The Mudanjiang River or Mudan River (Chinese: 牡丹江). is a river in Heilongjiang province in China. It is a right tributary of the Sungari River.

Its modern Chinese name can be translated as the "Peony River". In the past it was also known as the Hurka or Hurha River (Chinese: 瑚爾哈回答).

The river flows into Lake Jingpo, and then continues north, flowing by Ning'an and Mudanjiang City (which is named after the river), and falling into the Sungari River at Yilan (formerly known as Sanxing).

『拾』 牡丹江的英語介紹

Mudanjiang (Chinese: 牡丹江; pinyin: Mǔdānjiāng; Manchu: Mudan bira) is prefecture-level city in Heilongjiang province of the People's Republic of China. Mudanjiang is the seat of Mudanjiang prefecture. Mudanjiang is a city with a power plant. Mudanjiang has a railway junction and an airport. Mudanjiang is about 160 km from the Russian city of Vladivostok; population of 607,000.

The region's premier tourist attraction is Jingpo Lake famous for its craggy limestone cliffs (similar to those of Guilin) and its turquoise waters containing Ericton fish and fresh water coral.

[edit] Administrative divisions
Aimin District (愛民區)
Dong'an District (東安區)
Yangming District (陽明區)
Xi'an District (西安區)
Muling City (穆棱市)
Suifenhe City (綏芬河市)
Hailin City (海林市)
Ning'an City (寧安市)
Dongning County (東寧縣)
Linkou County (林口縣)

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