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發布時間: 2021-01-02 00:23:58

❶ 幫忙翻譯(中譯英)

I am a pupil in Shenzhen. Shenzhen - a beautiful city. Warm climate here is very fit for human habitation. The city flower of Shenzhen is azaleas, it is very beautiful. The highest mountain in Shenzhen is Wutongshan. It is 944 meters above sea level, and climbed up to be very difficult. King Building is the highest building here, the height of 383.95 meters. The building is in green. In Shenzhen, the world's largest model park is a model of "Splendid China" It has a lot of well-known Chinese architectural models. You can see the Great Wall - but it is much smaller than real. You can take pictures but can not go climbing. You can also see the rivers, ancient trees and mountains. You can also see the highest Palace in the world -Potala Palace.
In any event, Shenzhen is the most beautiful

❷ 古詩 宣城見杜鵑花的譯文



詩是感物而起興的 。「蜀國曾聞子規鳥,宣城還見杜鵑花 。」暮春三月,寄寓在宣城的李白,覺得昏花的老眼中忽然映入一片紅色,仔細瞧,原來是杜鵑花開了。這杜鵑不是故鄉的花嗎?詩人的鄉思因此被觸動了。
在蜀中,每逢杜鵑花開的時候,子規鳥就開始啼鳴了。子規鳥,又名杜鵑,花與鳥的名字相同,也是勾起詩人聯想的一個原因。這鳥,相傳是古蜀帝杜宇的精魂化成。杜宇號稱望帝,他自以為德薄,於是禪讓了帝位而出亡,死後化為杜鵑鳥。暮春時節,它就悲鳴起來,鳴聲彷彿是呼叫著 :「不如歸去!不如歸去 !」晝夜不止 ,一直啼叫得嘴邊淌出血來。此刻,詩人耳邊似乎響起了子規鳥的蹄叫聲,一聲聲地呼喚他歸去。


❸ "杜鵑花"在日語里怎麼說


1 ツツジ科ツツジ屬の植物の総稱。常綠または落葉性の低專木、まれに小屬高木もある。よく分枝し、枝や葉に毛がある。春から夏、白・紅・紫色などの漏斗形で先の5裂した花が咲く。園芸種も多く、ヤマツツジ・サツキ・レンゲツツジ・ミツバツツジなどがある。ツツジ科の雙子葉植物は約1400種あり、溫帯・寒帯地域および熱帯の高山に分布し、シャクナゲ・アセビ・コケモモ・エリカなども含まれる。《季 春》「―いけて其蔭に干鱈(ひだら)さく女/芭蕉」

2 襲(かさね)の色目の名。表は蘇芳(すおう)、裏は萌蔥(もえぎ)または紅色。

❹ 杜鵑花原液用英語怎麼說



❺ 李白宣城見杜鵑花譯文


❻ 杜鵑翻譯成藏文

【學名】Rhododendron simsii Planch
【英文名】Sims Azalea
【科名】杜鵑花科 Ericaceae




❼ 求「杜鵑花與鳥,怨艷兩何賒,疑是口中血,滴成枝上花」的翻譯



拉丁名:Rhododendron simsii



Name: Azalea

Synonyms: azalea, mountain pomegranate, mountain molle, mountain cuckoo

Latin name: Rhododendron simsii

科名: Rhododendron

Genus: Rhododendron
Origin Distribution: Distribution in China's Yangtze River and Pearl River Valley provinces. East of Taiwan, west Sichuan, Yunnan. Watch the world famous flowers and trees, are widely planted horticultural goods
Morphological features: evergreen shrubs. Trunk erect, single, or problems, leave branches whorled or alternate, branches, leaves hair with or without branches, leaves, stalks or have scales, multi-leaf-shaped, but the bar was not the whole edge, few small serrated, or paper coriaceous, evergreen, semi-evergreen or decious, with or without aromatic flowers Top Health, lateral or腋生, single flowers, spend less or more than 20 flowers total integrated umbrella-shaped flower, first flower or leaf after the leaves, corolla significant bell-shaped, bell-shaped radial-style mortar and pestle, bowl or dish to form crack pipe as well as the 6-10 split, colorful designs. April-June flowering.
Growth Habit: hi moist, cool environment. Afraid of dry, avoid water-logging, should be planted in a good drainage of the soil slightly acidic. Watering pot should be noted that the volume of water in March to start graally increasing, graally reced after September.略施light fat, and then increased施基肥Liqiu. After flowering to remove dead flowers, proper pruning. Note to well-ventilated. Cuttings, layering propagation. Often in the spring and summer. Rhododendron diseases are black spot, yellows. There are spider pest, bug net, there are rhododendrons earthworms, slugs main root against.
Breeding to cultivate: hi半陰, anti-scorching sun direct, negative capability, the more negative when the growth of lush foliage, but the decrease in the number of flowering. Hi warm, moist environment, not cold. Should be grown in loose, fertile soil acidic, alkaline-earth in the growth of yellow-prone. Free water.
Landscape uses: Yi Cheng Zhi Cong with the forest, stream, pool, rock edge, gentle slope, steep the formation of natural beauty, but also should be in the garden or landscape architecture sik match. Pruning plants or can be trained all kinds of Chun King.

❽ 宣城見杜鵑花的譯文

宣城見杜鵑花抄 蜀國曾聞子規鳥,宣城還見杜鵑花。一叫一回腸一斷,三春三月憶三巴。 寫這首詩的時候,李白已是遲暮之年。他被朝廷判流夜郎,遇赦歸來後,此時正流落江南,寄人籬下。不久又染了病,晚景凄慘。老來思鄉,本是人之常情,何況詩人老邁患病,於是,濃重的鄉思就襲上了詩人心頭。 詩是感物而起興的 。「蜀國曾聞子規鳥,宣城還見杜鵑花 。」暮春三月,寄寓在宣城的李白,覺得昏花的老眼中忽然映入一片紅色,仔細瞧,原來是杜鵑花開了。這杜鵑不是故鄉的花嗎?詩人的鄉思因此被觸動了。 在蜀中,每逢杜鵑花開的時候,子規鳥就開始啼鳴了。子規鳥,又名杜鵑,花與鳥的名字相同,也是勾起詩人聯想的一個原因。這鳥,相傳是古蜀帝杜宇的精魂化成。杜宇號稱望帝,他自以為德薄,於是禪讓了帝位而出亡,死後化為杜鵑鳥。暮春時節,它就悲鳴起來,鳴聲彷彿是呼叫著 :「不如歸去!不如歸去 !」晝夜不止 ,一直啼叫得嘴邊淌出血來。此刻,詩人耳邊似乎響起了子規鳥的蹄叫聲,一聲聲地呼喚他歸去。

❾ 古詩翻譯 《杜鵑花》 楊巽齋 鮮紅滴滴映霞明,盡是冤禽血染成。 羈客有家歸未得,對花無語兩含情。


羈旅他鄉有家不得回去,只能看著鮮艷的花兒 相對無語,默默訴說心中的鄉情。

❿ 杜鵑用英語怎麼說

cuckoo azalea

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