『壹』 鬱金香 英文怎麼說
tulip: [ 'tju:lip ]
n. 鬱金香
『貳』 誰能給我鬱金香的介紹和英文翻譯~~謝謝~~
【學名】Tulipa gesneriana
(1) 紅色系 火紅鬱金香
(2) 黃色系
(3) 白色系
阿洛 比羅:純白色等。
1. 鬱金香(紅色)Tulipa gesnerianna 百合科鬱金香屬
2. 鬱金香(黃色)Tulipa gesnerianna 百合科鬱金香屬
3. 鬱金香(白色)Tulipa gesnerianna 百合科鬱金香屬
『叄』 有關鬱金香的英文介紹
Every spring if you walk down past your neighbor's gardens for a stroll in the park, what do you inevitably see, both in the gardens and the park... beautiful displays of tulips. Gardens full of delight!
Tulip gardens are easy to create because apart their stunning beauty they are readily available, cheap and have a wide range of colors and forms. Most garden outlets and bulb catalogs sell the large-flowered garden tulips in packets of mixed colors according to group or in packets of named indivial varieties. The large-flowered garden tulips are just made for use as bedding plants - they combine really well with forget-me-nots and wallflowers. They also can be used to great effect planted in scattered clumps among perennials or other bulbs. The smaller species tulips have a less choice of colors than the garden tulips, but they have a more delicate form and are ideal for rockeries and container gardens, or the front of borders.
The requirements for successfully growing tulips are:
* choosing large healthy looking bulbs
* have well drained alkaline soil
* plant in a sunny spot
The soil must be well drained and preferably alkaline; if it's acid apply lime just before planting. Now's also the time to add a fertilizer which releases it's nutrients steadily to the soil and provide long lasting feed for the bulbs.
The bulbs of garden tulips and the Fosteriana and Greigii hybrids are best used as bedding plants or as group plantings in borders. Plant in early winter-if they're put in the ground any sooner any early growth could get frost damage. Dead-head as the first petals fall, leaving the stems and leaves intact to feed the bulb. It's best to lift the bulbs when the leaves start turning yellow, but if the site is needed for summer bedding, lift the tulips earlier, replant them in a spare corner, and lift again when the leaves have died down. Place the plants in shallow boxes and store in a dry shed.
Plant the bulbs of species and Kaufmanniana hybrid tulips in early winter, in well-drained soil in a south-facing position, sheltered from strong winds. After flowering, remove the leaves and stems as they die. Leave the bulbs in the ground and keep the area free of weeds.
Basically that's it...just remember the main 3 points
* choose large healthy looking bulbs
* have well drained alkaline soil
* plant in a sunny spot
and lift and store all bulbs except the species and Kaufmanniana hybrids.
In spring you'll be pleasantly surprised at the colorful show they provide for such little work and moreover you'll have created a beautiful tulip garden of your own.
The story of the tulip
The tulip, symbol of Holland. But did you know that this flower has its roots in the mountains of Kazakhstan? Even in Holland most people do not know that this is the real place where their national symbol originated. Most Dutch people will tell you that the original tulip was growing in Turkey but in fact traders from Turkey brought it at the end of the 16th century from the Central Asian mountain ranges to Western Europe. In that period, the Turkish Empire was much larger than the current country Turkey.
The first reports of tulips in Europe date from 1560 and it crossed the Dutch border around 1570. The first tulips in the Hortus Botanicus of the Leiden University were planted there in 1593 by the botanist Carolus Clusius. He wanted to show this special plant only to botanist but after a burglary in the Hortus the bulb spread over the country.
The prices paid for a tulip rose quickly and a single bulb of the Semper August changed owner for prices of 3000 Dutch guilders. At that time you could buy for the same price a decent house in Amsterdam. A similar tulip species was sold a short time later for 4500 guilders, a horse and a carriage. Because there were less bulbs than could be traded, businessmen started to sell future contracts for bulbs that were still in the soil. These contracts were sold with enormous profits and more and more people wanted to buy these contracts. An orphanage that sold some tulip bulbs from the inheritance of orphans earned 90000 Dutch guilders, equivalent to millions of euros in present days. To compare, at almost the same moment the famous painter Rembrandt only asked 1600 guilders for his painting "The Nightwatch". In 1637, the prices for tulips didn't rise anymore and there were rumours that the end of the profit was near. An implosion of the market followed and thousands of businessmen were ruined.
The Dutch have created hundreds of different types of tulips in the last centuries. But not only the Dutch were good in creating new types. Nature did also a good job in Kazakhstan where you can find 34 different species of this flower in the wild today. 6 of these species are present in the Aksu-Djabagly nature reserve. If you are comming from Holland or are interested in this flower, a walking trip in the Aksu-Djabagly nature reserve will be the best opportunity to see this flower in it's own habitat. While walking in the nature reserve, you will find many tulip species like Greig's Tulip and Kaufmann's Tulip.
『肆』 鬱金香的英文
Tulip 我五年級就學了.為什麼這樣拼寫我就不知道了
『伍』 鬱金香用英語怎麼寫
『陸』 鬱金香英文簡介
The tulip is a Eurasian and North African genus of perennial, bulbousplants in the lily family.It is a herbaceous herb with showy flowers, of which around 75 wild species are currently accepted.
The genus's native range extends west to the Iberian Peninsula, throughNorth Africa to Greece, the Balkans, Turkey, throughout the Levant (Syria,Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Jordan) and Iran, north toUkraine, southern Siberia and Mongolia, and east to the Northwest ofChina.The tulip's centre of diversity is in the Pamir, Hin Kush, andTien Shan mountains.It is a common element of steppe and winter-rainMediterranean vegetation.
A number of species and many hybrid cultivars are grown in gardens or as potted plants.
『柒』 鬱金香用英語怎麼說
tulip ['tju:lip]
n. 鬱金香
有不明白的地方再問喲,祝你學習進步,更上一層樓! (*^__^*)
『捌』 鬱金香英文怎麼說諧音
tulip ['tju:lip]
n. 鬱金香
有不明白的地方再問喲,祝你學習進步,更上一層樓! (*^__^*)
『玖』 鬱金香的英文及英文學名是什麼
睡蓮--Water lily
『拾』 有關鬱金香的英文介紹
Tulips are among the most popular flowers of all time. They are easy to grow, they come in an incredible variety of colors, heights and flower shapes. Some are even fragrant. There are now over 3000 varieties of tulips.
The majority are grown and exported from Holland. Most tulips are adaptable to many kinds of climates. The only thing to be careful of is to plant them in fairly well-drained soil. They will be back every spring for you to enjoy.