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❶ 「山茶花」翻譯成英語是什麼

camellia [簡明英漢詞典]
n.[植]茶屬, 茶花, 山茶

❷ 茶花的英語音標是什麼

[植]茶屬, 茶花, 山茶

❸ 山茶花的英語簡介


❹ 山茶花,山茶用英語怎麼說最合適

camellia 英[kəˈmi:liə] 美[kəˈmiljə]
n. 山茶,山茶花,山茶屬植物;
[例句]The camellia blossoms are a more fiery scarlet.
[其他] 復數:權camellias

❺ 英語翻譯茶花百科知識

Camellia Encyclopedia of knowledge.

茶花(學名:Camellia sp.)又名山茶花,是山茶科、回山茶屬多種植答物和園藝品種的通稱。花瓣為碗形,分單瓣或重瓣,單瓣茶花多為原始花種,重瓣茶花的花瓣可多達60片。茶花有不同程度的紅、紫、白、黃各色花種,甚至還有彩色斑紋茶花,而花枝最高可以達到4米。性喜溫暖、濕潤的環境。花期較長,從10月份到翌年5月份都有開放,盛花期通常在1-3月份。

❻ 茶花煙上的英文是什麼

英文是不是When I first meet you a feeling is like old friends??
如果沒錯的話中文意思應該是 與君初相識,猶如故人歸


❼ 山茶花的英語單詞怎麼讀


❽ 2012楚雄國際茶花大會英文怎麼說

the 2012 international camellia congress and 8th china camellia expo in chuxiong china.

❾ 怎麼用英語介紹茶花啊!有急用

camelliais a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae, native to eastern and southern Asia from the Himalaya east to Japan and Indonesia. There are 100– existent species, with some controversy over the exact number.

They are evergreen shrubs and small trees 2–20 m tall. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, thick, serrated, usually glossy, and 3–17 cm long. The flowers are large and conspicuous, 1–12 cm diameter, with (in natural conditions) 5–9 petals; colour varies from white to pink and red, and yellow in a few species. The fruit is a dry capsule, sometimes subdivided into up to 5 compartments, each compartment containing up to 8 seeds.

The genus is generally adapted to acidic soils, and does not grow well on chalk or other calcium-rich soils. Most species also have a high rainfall requirement and will not tolerate drought. Some Camellias have been known to grow without much rainfall.

Camellia species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species. See List of Lepidoptera which feed on Camellia.

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