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发布时间: 2021-01-27 13:10:04

A. 蓝色情人节完整版电影


B. 电影《蓝色情人节中》的一首歌《You and me》 是谁唱的


C. 《蓝色情人节》电影的最后结局是怎么样



D. Blue Valentine(《蓝色情人节》)的英文影评 字数多点的好些,谢谢啦。(我刚用贴吧,没有悬赏分,见谅)

Sometimes the simplest of stories make the best of movies. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy marries girl. Girl breaks up with boy. The story of Blue Valentine, an independent proction filmed on a meagre budget of $3.5 million which boasts milestone performances by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, who, supported by a sensitive and ferocious screenplay, elevate this movie to the status of modern romantic drama masterpiece.

The movie chronicles the weekend that leads up to the dissolution of Dean and Cindy's marriage, intertwined with flashbacks showing them falling in love a few years before. The question running through the movie is, what leads these two to break up? Complex matters don't have the luxury of simple answers and this movie moves like an existential mystery inviting the viewer to intuit, through the unravelling of the couple's lives, the clues that explain the end of their love.

The movie works in series of contrasts. The rose-tainted section and dating scenes from the past, which depict the growing intimacy between Dean and Cindy, collide against the harrowing scenes in the present, which show a loveless, routine marriage. The opening sequence is exemplary: Cindy prepares breakfast but their daughter, Frankie (Faith Wladyka), doesn't want her oat meals. Cindy upbraids her but Dean, instead of setting an example, starts playing with his food too. Cindy, the paragon of responsibility; Dean, the eternal child.

Are Dean and Cindy two different to live together? Let's consider. When they meet Cindy is studying to become a doctor. In the present she's a nurse. Did the burden of marriage crush her dreams? Is she unfulfilled? Although there was love once, love wasn't what got the two together. Perhaps the most important decision in Cindy's life is having Dean's baby. The result of an unplanned night of sex, Frankie defines their lives. Dean is now a house painter. When she meets him he's working for a moving company. In the present she complains that Dean has too much potential to just settle for a crappy job. Cindy works a lot. Dean has a lot of free time. Frankie gets along better with him than with Cindy. He has more time to be with her.

Cindy comes from a broken home. The child of a turbulent marriage in which fights at dinner time were common. She has trouble believing in love. We learn she started having sexual relationships at thirteen and that by the time she met Dean, at the age of twenty or so, she had had 20 to 25 partners. She's promiscuous, she can't have steady relationships. Dean, on the other hand, the moment he sees her is instantly struck by love. He argues that men are more romantic than women. Are they? If love is blind, marriage is oblivious. Dean's love has given way to the routine of being taken care of by his wife. Their relationship has become as sensitive as a fresh wound. At the start of the movie their dog disappears. Cindy finds him dead by the roadside. Dean's first reaction is to blame her for not keeping the gate locked. To spare Frankie of the tragedy they send her to her grandfather (John Doman) while Dean insists in having a night together at a cheap motel to have fun and rekindle the old spark. In the motel he ironically chooses the Future Room.

Williams and Gosling are excellent in their roles. Each undergoes subtle physical changes to distinguish their present selves from their younger counterparts. They put on some weight and Gosling even sports a receding hairline plus glasses to complete his metamorphosis into a self-satisfied domestic slob. We only have to look at them to see the physical stress marriage has had on them.

More impressive is their emotional range. In the past Dean acts like a person full of life and good spirits. Dean is unpredictable and romantic then. You can believe that a no-nonsense medical student could fall for him or that she could ruin her life dreams for him. Williams portrays her younger self as a shy and non-talkative person. She's the opposite of Gosling's chatterbox. The scene when Cindy, for instance, nearly undergoes an abortion is a testament to Williams' ability to transmits all the doubts and despair of her character with just subtle facial expressions.

In the present their emotions are changed again, they're burned out, numb. Repulsion replaces love. Consider the disgust in Cindy's face when she tries to have sex in the Future Room – Williams shows so much discomfort that instead of being Dean's planned rebirth of intimacy between the two it becomes the most unpleasant sex scene in cinema in a long time. This scene is emblematic of their relationship – the inability to connect physically and emotionally leaves Dean without arguments to maintain their marriage other than resorting to begging and blackmail like not wanting Frankie to grow up in a broken home. What starts as love turns into a callous match where innocent bystanders are used as pawns.

It took Derek Cianfrance twelve years to make Blue Valentine: the result is a humane, intimate movie about the possibility that true love may not exist. Some romantic dramas exist to make us feel good. But once in a while comes a movie that reminds us how complicated and relentless human relationships are.

E. 怎样才能让你不离开——评电影《蓝色情人节》

先说几句题外话,我查了查资料,发现《蓝色情人节》在中国大陆是在情人节期间上映的,我真懒得骂脑残的广电总局,这电影适合情侣一块儿看么?看完之后还不得认真思考几天,保不齐再闹个分手什么的,您还嫌不够乱呀。您这倒是为计划生育做贡献了,您这又是一步大棋吗?麻烦您排片的时候能不想当然么?审片的时候那么认真地大刀阔斧地动剪刀,压根就没看情节吧?合着您看的都是那不让播的部分了。麻烦您以后排片的时候多过过脑子 (吐糟结束,下面正文) 昨天,我把很早以前下载的电影《蓝色情人节》看完了,本来是怀着欣赏一部温情爱情喜剧的心情,没想到看完之后心情却跌到谷底。后来想想,英语中的蓝色(blue)本来也有忧郁的意思,想来是我太粗心了。 这部影片从镜头位置的设置上就显得很独特,镜头仿佛就贴在人物脸上一般,画面上除了人物之外,其他的景物都是模糊的。这种手法于是便给观众带来了一种很压抑的感觉,我甚至一度想退出观影过程,以便从这种压抑中抽离出去,然而,与影片想要表达的主题相配合,这种手法简直太完美且又意味深长了。 影片一开始我就觉得电影中的夫妻之间感觉怪怪的,丈夫不赞成妻子教育孩子的方式,不喜欢孩子在妻子的规约下成长,然而他又那么爱这个孩子。可结果就是,这个孩子不仅成为了夫妻矛盾的焦点与发泄途径,而且最终成为了夫妻情感破裂的牺牲品。这种结果于无法挽回的爱情是悲哀的,于孩子本身也是悲哀的。 我直到看到了影片的中后期,才发现影片其实只讲了一个故事。男主人公迪恩是一个初来乍到的搬运工,他对生活充满了热情,待人也非常友善,甚至他对一个素不相识的老人都尽心尽力,让其幸福地安度晚年。女主人公辛迪是一所医学校的学生,她的未来充满光明,同时她又与她的老师相爱。迪恩与辛迪第一次相遇是辛迪正在医院照顾她的祖母时,迪恩对辛迪可谓是一见钟情,但辛迪却有些瞧不起迪恩,然而,辛迪却在与迪恩的慢慢交往中发现了迪恩的执着与热情,进而两人发展成恋人关系。这时,辛迪发现她竟然怀了她老师的孩子,她很吃惊,也很无助。在她最无助的时候,她的老师并没有担负起一个男人的责任,而是对辛迪的出轨行为反应激烈。辛迪本来想把孩子做掉,但因为惧怕堕胎的痛苦,最终放弃了。然而在得知这一切后,迪恩却提出与辛迪建立家庭。辛迪与迪恩终于在这种一般人很难理解的情况下结合了。 结婚很多年以后,两人的人生道路开始出现分歧,辛迪成了一名医生,迪恩则成为了油漆工,两人的感情也渐渐消退。由于家中的宠物狗不幸丢失并死亡,辛迪与迪恩决定把女儿送到外公家,然后到郊外放松一下。途中,他们两个人不断发生误解与争执,两个人也似乎都意识到了这个问题。最终,辛迪与迪恩不辞而别,回到工作岗位,而迪恩却在酒精的作用下大闹辛迪的医院,两人最终不得不走上离婚的道路。 其实,这个故事讲述了一个非常普遍的爱情悲剧,普遍到我们甚至感觉到这个故事平淡无奇,仿佛就发生在我们身边,但这个故事所引发的思考却是深刻的。 从很多细节上可以看出迪恩是爱妻子的,是想要维持家庭的完整的,但辛迪却似乎对迪恩是一点儿感情都没有了。这个现象就颇值得推敲。当初,辛迪对迪恩的感情仿佛并不是纯粹的爱情,其中似乎还包含了许多依恋与感激,可以说爱情不是主要成分,两人确立关系也大概仅仅是辛迪沉醉于与迪恩在一起时的快乐感受。然而迪恩对辛迪呢?我认为时可以堪称高尚的爱情,甚至不在乎辛迪怀着别人的骨肉,甚至像爱自己的亲生孩子一样很爱着这个所谓的女儿。但很明显,如果不出现后面的问题的话,我们也不会追根溯源找到最开始两人认知上的差异。 可是,难道他们仅仅是因为最初的分歧才导致最后的悲剧?我认为并不那么简单。我们首先应该考察辛迪对迪恩的感情消退是否浑然不知?我认为不是的,甚至我认为她应该比迪恩更早地发现这个问题,因为如果以量来衡量辛迪与迪恩的爱情的话,辛迪的爱情是从有到无的改变,而迪恩则是从多到少的变化。因此,辛迪一定会对爱情值的质变体会得比迪恩的量变要深,但尽管如此,辛迪却并没有选择解决与挽救,而是选择了逃避,甚至想以某种与迪恩不自然的性行为挽救这个问题。相比较而言,其实迪恩却是一种积极挽救的力量:他想要和辛迪谈谈,想听辛迪的真实想法,但辛迪的逃避让他无能为力。

F. 蓝色情人节的影片评价


G. 有一部电影名字叫蓝色什么.还带点黄色部分


H. 蓝色情人节高清完整版电影







I. 关于2010年的美国电影《蓝色情人节》的上映日期…

国家/地区 上映/发行日期(细节) 美国
USA 2010年1月日......(Sundance Film Festival) (premiere) 法国
France 2010年5月18日......(Cannes Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年9月4日......(Telluride Film Festival) 加拿大
Canada 2010年9月15日......(Toronto International Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年9月23日......(Milwaukee Film Festival) 瑞士
Switzerland 2010年9月26日......(Zurich Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年10月12日......(Mill Valley Film Festival) 英国
UK 2010年10月15日......(London Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年10月21日......(New Orleans Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年10月22日......(Austin Film Festival) 奥地利
Austria 2010年10月30日......(Vienna International Film Festival) 澳大利亚
Australia 2010年11月2日......(Canberra International Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年11月4日......(Savannah International Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年11月6日......(AFI Film Festival) 美国
USA 2010年11月7日......(Denver International Film Festival) 西班牙
Spain 2010年11月26日......(Gijón International Film Festival) 加拿大
Canada 2010年12月2日......(Whistler Film Festival) 澳大利亚
Australia 2010年12月27日 美国
USA 2010年12月29日......(limited) 马来西亚
Malaysia 2010年12月31日 加拿大
Canada 2011年1月7日......(Toronto) 英国
UK 2011年1月14日 荷兰
Netherlands 2011年1月28日......(International Film Festival Rotterdam) 葡萄牙
Portugal 2011年2月3日 瑞典
Sweden 2011年2月3日......(G?teborg International Film Festival) 希腊
Greece 2011年2月3日 泰国
Thailand 2011年2月10日 中国香港
Hong Kong 2011年2月17日 中国台湾
Taiwan 2011年3月11日 墨西哥
Mexico 2011年3月18日 瑞典
Sweden 2011年4月1日 阿根廷
Argentina 2011年4月7日......(Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema) 挪威
Norway 2011年4月15日 日本
Japan 2011年4月23日 阿根廷
Argentina 2011年4月28日 法国
France 2011年6月15日 德国
Germany 2011年8月4日

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