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发布时间: 2023-09-23 09:17:19



1、Saint Valentine's Day (最正宗说法,圣瓦伦丁节,即情人节!以下皆为简写)

2、st valentine's day

3、Valentine's Day



The origin of Valentine's Day


Valentine's Day originated in Rome. There are many versions of the legend, but the most romantic and credible are the following.


Legend has it that in third Century, the ancient Rome had a tyrant called Klau Dos. Not far from the tyrant's palace, has a very beautiful temple, friar Valentin lived here. Valentine knowledgeable, noble morality, Rome are very revered him, men, women and children, without distinction, the like cluster around him, in the raging flame before the altar, listening to his prayers.


Then the Roman has continued fighting in to replenish manpower, fighting to the end, Claudius ordered, who within the age range of a certain men, must enter the Roman army, life for the despotic political system service. So, a large number of citizens were forced to go to the battlefield, people complaining, husband who do not want to leave home, boys can not bear to break up with a lover, the Roman shrouded in lingering and melancholy of Acacia in. Faced with this situation, Crowe doss rage, unexpectedly and again ordered banned Chinese wedding ceremony, even forcing has already booked a wedding immediately dissolve a marriage. In this way many young people bid farewell to love, grief and indignation towards the battlefield, the girls lost lover and grief depression. Good brother Valentin of Klau Dos's tyranny was very sad.


However, the tyranny of the prohibition of love. One day, a couple quietly came to the temple, asked Valentin for their wedding. Valentin was their faithful love deeply touched, in the sacred altar adventures as they held their wedding. The news ten, ten hundred, many young people have come here, partnering with the help of Valentin. However, Valentine's charity soon will be perceived by the court, Claudius once again fly into a rage, he ordered his men to rush into the temple, from a pair of being held wedding couple side valentine to drag away, put in prison. Klau Dos was asked to pardon Valentin, but to no avail. In prison, Valentine did not because of what had happened to her regret, did not stop his good deeds, however, when he is no longer a prayer, but medicine. There, he miraculously cured the daughter of the governor of blind eyes, and deeply in love with her. Claudius the cruel hearing of the miracle, felt very frightened, hurriedly ordered Valentin beheaded. On the morning of the execution, Valentin wrote a letter to lovey-dovey to the warden's daughter, and then go to death.


Ⅱ 情人节为什么叫St.Valentine'sDay


Ⅲ 情人节的英文首字母是什么

情人节的英文首字母为VD;情人节英文——Valentine's Day


Valentine's day has become a favorite festival for young people in Europe and America, and it has become popular in other countries.


Because they can express common human feelings, many countries have explored their own "Valentine's Day".


According to overseas.com, February 14, 2019, American media revealed that Japanese women are boycotting a unique tradition of their own Valentine's day.

Ⅳ 情人节简称两个字


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