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发布时间: 2024-04-01 23:38:19

Ⅰ 2014年2月14日是中国传统节日元宵节,同时也是西方的情人节。当中西两个节日重叠在一起时,很多人都在热

One possible version:
The Lantern Festival and the Valentine’s Day coincide on February, 14 th , 2014, which makes people discuss heatedly which festival to celebrate that day. It is not wrong for us to adopt some western festivals, however, it is more important for us to learn how to celebrate our Chinese festivals.
In my perspective, as a Chinese, it is a custom as well as a responsibility for us to celebrate the Chinese traditional festivals. On the one hand, all the traditional festivals date back to hundreds of years ago, which is a symbol of our culture and civilization. Not only should we celebrate the Chinese festivals for fun, but also we should have a better knowledge of their background and origins. Therefore, various activities should be organized to add to the atmosphere of the festivals. On the other hand, all of the Chinese people should take the responsibility to pass our culture down from one generation to another, so that our future generations can also learn what to do in those traditional festivals, just as we do today.
To sum up, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. Nobody expects such a consequence that our priceless heritage of our ancestors is replaced by western traditions. So let’s join hands to keep Chinese tradition.

Ⅱ 雅思写作顺序连接词

雅思写作中的连接词是为了使段落中语句表达的更加连贯紧俏。使用过渡词不仅能够让语句之间的逻辑关系更明确,同时还能让 文章 看上去更加的卜哗颤完整。因此我建议大家一定要多加学习连接词在雅思写作中的应用。本期有要讲的连接词是表次序的词汇,详细的看下文:


1. First, Firstly, In the first place, First of all

○ Firstly, she mentioned that she would be on time for the meeting but she wasn’t.


2. Second, Secondly, In the second place

○ Secondly, we all noted how well she did in that physics exam.


3. Third, Thirdly, In the third place

○ Third, you can always just claim that you didn’t see the missed call from him.


4. Last, Lastly, Last of all

○ Last of all, it may be important to schele the next meeting and delegate tasks.


5. For one thing

○ For one thing, dogs are completely loyal to their owners.


6. To begin with

○ To begin with, how about you consider making a different choice.


7. For another thing

○ For another thing, your choice may not be incorrect just not currently applicable right now.


8. In addition

○ I stopped by Lisa’s apartment to check in on her, in addition I called her on her mobile phone but she didn’t respond.


9. Also

○ It is pouring rain outside Kate, also, why are you not dressed in warmer clothes?


10. Besides

○ Besides us no longer being in communication you are still someone I hold a great deal of respect for.


11. Moreover

○ I thought that smoking cannabis was illegal, moreover, I was certain there were health risks too.


12. Furthermore

○ She spoke to Ben last night and all you could hear was yelling and screaming, furthermore, I think they ended their relationship.


13. Finally

○ Finally, the package I ordered last week on Amazon has finally arrived.



1. first= firstly = in the first place = first of all

2. second= secondly = in the second place

3. third= thirdly = in the third place

4. last= lastly = last of all

5. for one thing = at the beginning = at first = above all

6. to begin with = before now, earlier, originally, in the first place

7. for another thing = on the other hand

8. in addition = furthermore, additionally

9. also= in addition, besides, too, likewise, as well, either, moreover

10. besides= unless, in addition to

11. moreover= in addition, furthermore, what’s more, besides, also, then, additionally

12. furthermore= moreover, in addition, what’s more, besides, also, then, additionally

13. finally= eventually, last, lastly, in conclusion


1. Therefore

○ I believe in the cosmos; therefore, I follow astronomy and horoscopes religiously.


○ Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time.


2. As a consequence

○ I tried to write two exams on the same day, as aconsequence, I failed one.


○ This theory views gravity not as a force but as a consequence of the curved geometry of space and time.


3. Consequently

○ This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health. 这会对农业和食物链造成威胁,由此而危及人的健康。

○ Flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and consequently gain high salaries.


4. Thus

○ I wasn’t sure I could pass my IELTS exam, thus I decided to hire a tutor.


○ We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.


5. As a result

○ It rains quite often in Europe, as a result, most Europeans tend to vacation in sunnier destinations.


○ During this period, I see some article , as a result, everyone of us has some word which is not to be known.


6. Accordingly

○ Umbrellas offer protection ring various weather; accordingly, it is good to carry them around when it is hot and raining.


○ The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we were forced to increase our prices.



1. therefore = so, as a result of, for this reason, thus,consequently

2. as a consequence = as a result, in consequence

3. consequently = as a result, therefore

4. thus = so, so that, therefore, consequently

5. as a result = in result, therefore

6. accordingly = therefore


1. Nonetheless

○I know that humans only use on average about 10% of their brains, nonetheless, I often feel quite stupid.


○ The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.


2. Nevertheless

○ I really wasn’t feeling very well, nevertheless, I went to work because of the presentation.


○ There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.


3. Incontrast

○ Property prices seem to constantly be soaring each year; in contrast, car prices seem to be diminishing.


4. However

○ I wanted to purchase a dress I saw in the shop last week, however, when I returned to the store today it was sold out.


○ People tend to put on weight in middle age. However, gaining weight is not inevitable.


5. Yet

○ Sometimes I feel like I cannot pass my final exams, yet, I still study hard.


○ The path was dark, yet I slowly found my way.


6. All the same

○ He is a very good-looking guy, I can admit that, but all the same I still don’t think you should go out with him.


○ I have noted his better behaviour, but, all the same, I cannot change my decision.


7. In any case

○ We planned to host a dinner party but only three people showed, in any case, we still hadthe party and it was a great time.


8. Instead

○ America should consider taking care of their gun laws, instead, they pretend there isn’t a problem.


○ He didn’t reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room.


9. Onthe contrary

○ I used to believe in Valentine’s day when I was younger, on the contrary, I think it is the mbest holiday in the world.


10. By comparison

○ Dating in the 21 century certainly has its risks, by comparison, it also has its perks.


11. On the other hand

○ I can completely agree with what Lisa has said, on the other hand, I cannot disregard what Paul said either.


○ On one hand I admire your ability, but on the other hand I distrust your judgement.



1. nonetheless = but,yet, however

2. nevertheless =whereas, however, while, but, yet, though

3. in contrast = bycomparison

4. however = anyway,whereas, while, but, yet

5. yet = but, whereas,while

6. all the same = no less,none the worse

7. in any case = for anything,at the least

8. instead = in placeof, rather

9. on the contrary =over the left

10. by comparison = bycontrast, in contrast

11. on the other hand =on the other side


1. Likewise

○There is never the perfect time to tell someone something unfortunate, likewise, no one is ever ready to receive bad news.


2. In the same way

○ Using painkillers will heal you of aheadache in the same way cough syrups gets rid of a cough.


3. Similarly

○Italian painters are renowned for their innovation, similarly so are the Greeks for their philosophies.


○ The cost of food and clothing has comedown in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quiteconsiderably.


4. Also

○ I walked out of the meeting, also, why was John going off like that? That is no way to talk to an employee.


注意:在书面英语中, 句子 不要用also开头,而要用furthermore或moreover,或者把also放在主要动词之前。

5. Correspondingly

○ I think mathematics is quite challenging, correspondingly, so is physical science.


○ As his political stature has shrunk, hehas grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.


6. Simultaneously /,s?ml'te?n??sl?/

○ I walked out of the train, simultaneously, my ex-girlfriend walked in.


7. In the same breath

○ You say he treats you badly but in the same breath youtell me how much you love him!


○ I advocate for equal human rights, in the same breath, I believe that we must all tolerate each other’s differences.



1. Likewise = in like or similar manner, in addition, equally

2. In the same way = as well, in the same manner

3. Similarly = in like or similar manner, equally, same, as, likewise

4. Also = in addition, besides, too, likewise, as well

5. Correspondingly = relatively, accordingly

6. Simultaneously = at the same instant, at the same time

7. In the same breath = at the same time, at the meantime, simultaneously

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