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发布时间: 2021-01-09 00:48:35

『壹』 难忘米兰达 电子版最好是中英对照的

It’ Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Duncan the children’s father ,is often away in london .cathy likes the children and she likes old Mrs Harvey .Duncan ‘s mother ,but she has no firend .

Of course, there is Nick .Nick has very blue eyes and a warm ,firendly smile .but Duncan doesn’t like Nick .Why?Becuse Miranda -------Duncan’s wife likes Nick .Many days ago .on one day night. Miranda tell Duncan .She likes Nick .she want to find him .and fall .and the biggest question was this :did .Miranda fall or someone push her many days ago Cathy know ,It Mrs Harvey Pust Miranda and she know Nick .in the end Cathy Wilson and Duncan Harvey loved each other .

Read this story I know .do man must like the Duncan and doesn’t like the Nick.becuse none but this just have the in deed blessedness.

『贰』 中英文双语动画电影的网站

土豆、优酷、风行 都有的。

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