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发布时间: 2021-01-10 18:23:12

A. 牡丹花用英文怎么说

Peony flowe或者 tree peony

B. 牡丹花用英语则么拼写

peony 牡丹花

C. 老师,唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城英文版怎么翻


英文翻译: bloomshockingthecapital.


国色专:a national beauty


京城the capital of a country;a surname

D. 牡丹英语怎么读

中国红牡丹China Red Peony
红牡丹花下The Beguiled

E. 老师,唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城英文版怎么翻


F. 牡丹花的英文

英 ['piːəni]
美 ['piːəni]
n. 芍药;牡丹

G. 介绍牡丹英语作50字

The peony is Ranunculaceae, Paeonia, is a perennial decious shrub. Flower color is gorgeous, Xiaozhu Jade incense, magnificent, known as "graceful but not showy, the king of flowers" in the world. In the type of cultivation, mainly according to the color of flowers, can be divided into hundreds of varieties. Peony variety, color, yellow, green, red, white and red meat for the top, especially yellow and green for you. The peony flower is big and sweet, and it is called "national beauty and heavenly fragrance".

H. 牡丹花的英文单词

peony ['pi?ni; 'pi:?ni] 例句:现在牡丹花正盛开。 The peonies are in full bloom now.

I. 牡丹花英文怎么写

Peony 牡丹花

J. 求将这段话翻译成英文。。我的家乡菏泽,最有名的是牡丹花,四月份是牡丹花开的季节,每当这个时候,家乡

My hometown is heze, one of the most famous is the peony, April is a season of peony flowers, whenever this time, my hometown will be held a grand celebration: peony flowers, whenever this time, will attract a large number of tourists to the flowers. Is the pride of heze peony

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