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发布时间: 2020-12-29 22:31:27

㈠ 帕德里夏·妮尔的逝世


㈡ 电影 现代启示录


㈢ 寻一个电影明星,应该是上世纪五六十年代欧美的的

是 Katharine Hepburn (凯萨琳.赫本复) 吗?

她在1968年以 The lion in winter (冬之狮制), 和另一位女星芭芭拉.史翠珊共同获得奥斯卡奖.

她患有-原发性颤抖症(Essential Tremor).


㈣ 蜘蛛侠班叔叔的扮演者是谁

Martin Sheen
马丁 辛
性别: 男
生日: 1940-08-03
星座: 狮子座
国家: 美国
西班牙版文权:Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez
配偶:Janet Templeton
马丁·辛,生于俄亥俄州德登。高中毕业后,他故意在代顿大学的入学考试中不及格,前往纽约追求表演事业。最初在外百老汇演出,靠打工度日1964年在百老汇演出《玫瑰怨》引起各方注意,并请去出演被米高梅搬上银幕的《玫瑰怨》(The Subject Was Roses,1968)中儿子的角色。1973年因主演《穷山恶水》(Badlands,1976)而获得了圣塞瓦蒂安国际电影节最佳男主角奖。1979年他在越战名片《现代启示录》(Apocalypse Now,1979)中也表现极为抢眼。
近30年始终活跃于美国的电影电视圈。进入二十一世纪,年过花甲的马丁·辛又以电视剧集《白宫群英》荣获包括金球奖和艾美奖等多个奖项的提名与肯定。1961年与Janet Templeton结婚。

㈤ 生命如此特别:芭芭拉·史翠珊txt全集下载

生命如此特别:芭芭拉·史翠珊 txt全集小说附件已上传到网络网盘内,点击免费下载:

1969年4月16日:英格丽·褒曼在第四十一届奥斯卡奖颁奖典礼上宣读最佳女主角提名,五位候选人分别是凯瑟琳·赫本--《冬狮》,帕特里夏·尼尔--《玫瑰怨》,瓦内莎·立德格拉芙--《绝代美人》,芭芭拉·史翠珊--《妙女郎》和乔安娜·伍德沃德--《巧妇怨》。此时此刻,二十六岁的芭芭拉·史翠珊紧张地坐在靠近走廊的座位上,陪在身旁给予她精神支持的是刚与她离婚的丈夫艾略特·古德。褒曼拆开信封,宣布道:"获奖者是--"她停顿了一下,换了口气,然后接着说:"这次是两个人得分相等!获奖者是《冬狮》中的凯瑟琳·赫本和芭芭拉·史翠珊!" 赫本,这位好莱坞传奇人物,一向不参加各类颁奖典礼,这次照旧缺席。而与众不同的好莱坞新人芭芭拉·史翠珊早已是娱乐界的传奇人物,她凭第一部影片就成为奥斯卡最佳女演员。她站起身来,刚刚为并列女主角而惊诧不已的观众们再一次受到冲击,因为芭芭拉身上的斯嘉锡设计的整体长裤套装几乎是透明的!在大家的欢呼中,由于激动和仓促,……

㈥ 谁有木子灿的 <<玫瑰怨>>,听说她是位智障女孩,想看看她的小说。


㈦ 帕德里夏·妮尔的个人作品

《心的自由Flying By》(2009)......Margie
《第60届托尼奖颁奖典礼 The 60th Annual Tony Awards 》 (2006)
《 The Fairy Tale Story of Sylvia's Baklava 》 (2004)
《 Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There 》 (2003)
《第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 》 (2003)
《 The John Garfield Story 》 (2003) ...Herself
《 Bright Leaves 》 (2003)
《 For the Love of May 》 (2000)
《 Inside 'You Only Live Twice' 》 (2000)
《财富 Cookie's Fortune 》 (1999) ......Jewel Mae'Cookie'Orcutt
《 From Russia to Hollywood: The 100-Year Odyssey of Chekhov and Shdanoff 》 (1999)
《第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 70th Annual Academy Awards 》 (1998)
《 Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey 》 (1994)
《海蒂 Heidi 》 (1993)......Grandmother
《 嘉露莲的故事Caroline? 》 (1990)......Miss Trollope
《平凡生活 An Unremarkable Life 》 (1989)
《爱能指路:一个真实的故事Love Leads the Way:A True Story》......Mrs.Frank
《鬼故事Ghost Story 》 (1981) ......Stella Hawthorne
《帕特里夏.尼尔的故事The Patricia Neal Story》(1981)......Herself (uncredited)
《新西线无战事 All Quiet on the Western Front 》 (1979)......Paul's Mother
《魔鬼关卡/雪岭大偷渡 The Passage》 (1979) ......Mrs.Bergson
《草原上的小屋Little House on the Prairie》(1974)电视剧系列......Julia Sanderson(2 episodes,1975)
《迷途的糕羊 Baxter! 》 (1973)
《The Homecoming: A Christmas Story》 (1971)
《玫瑰怨 The Subject Was Roses》 (1968) ......Nettie Cleary
《 In Harm's Way 》 (1965)
《火海情涛Première victoire》(1965)......Lt.Maggie Haynes
《Psyche '59》(1964)......Alison Crawford
《原野铁汉 Hud 》 (1963) ......Alma Brown
《第凡内早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's 》 (1961) ......2-E(Mrs.Failenson)
《登龙一梦 A Face in the Crowd》 (1957) ......Marcia Jeffries
《 Diplomatic Courier 》 (1952)......Joan Ross
《Washington Story》(1952)
《与父亲共度周末Week-End with Father》(1951)...... Jean Bowen
《太平洋机动作战 Operation Pacific 》 (1951) ......Lt.(j.g.)Mary Stuart
《地球停转日/地球停顿记 The Day the Earth Stood Still》 (1951) Helen Benson
《叫我第一名Hallmark Hall of Fame》(1951)电视系列......Lois Swensen (3 episodes, 1975-1990)
《孤帆灭枭/突围 The Breaking Point》 (1950) ......Leona Charles
《三个女人的秘密 Three Secrets 》 (1950)
《烟草大王 Bright Leaf 》 (1950) ......Margaret Jane Singleton
《欲潮 The Fountainhead》 (1949)
《约翰爱玛丽John Loves Mary》(1949)......Mary McKinley
《浮生梦痕 The Hasty Heart》 (1949) ......Sister Parker
《根源The Fountainhead》(1949) ......Dominique Francon
《感觉如此美妙It's a Great Feeling 》 (1949) ......Herself.Cameo Appearance(uncredited)

㈧ 女主角是韩雪的同人小说

新进的《三国情砀伊人泪》韩雪同人的 还不错

㈨ 大陆智障女作家叫什么


㈩ 马丁·辛的影视作品

超凡蜘蛛侠/The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
替身 The Double (2011)
朝圣之路The Way(2010)
爱不胜防 Love Happens( 2009 )
夺命手机/梯阵阴谋 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
Flower in the Gun Barrel (2009)
The Lightkeepers (2009)
AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Michael Douglas (2009)
Desconocida (2009)
The Bell (2009)
Franz Jaegerstaetter: A Man of Conscience (2009)
The End of Poverty? (2008)
A Soldier's Peace (2008)
拳击男孩Chamaco( 2008 )
Dean and Me: Roadshow of an American Primary (2008)
Speechless (2008)
The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards (2008)
Hope Not Lost (2008)
Finding Our Voices: Stories of American Dissent (2008)
They Killed Sister Dorothy (2008)
Chabad: To Life Telethon (2008)
Flatland: The Movie (2007)
对我说 Talk to Me (2007)
The 12th Annual Critics' Choice Awards (2007)
Proving Holiness (2007)
Confessions of an Innocent Man (2007)
鲍比/五星级谋杀 Bobby (2006)
边境城市/边城小镇 Bordertown (2006)
无间道风云 The Departed ( 2006 )
谁摧毁了电车?/谁消灭了电动车 Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
Between Iraq and a Hard Place (2006)
死前必看的50片 50 Films to See Before You Die (2006)
The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2006)
Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed America: The Homestead Strike (2006)
The Music of Apocalypse Now (2006)
A Million Feet of Film: The Editing of Apocalypse Now (2006)
The Politics of 'The Dead Zone' (2006)
USA the Movie (2005)
The 31st Annual People's Choice Awards (2005)
Why Shakespeare? (2005)
On the Line: Dissent in an Age of Terrorism (2005)
James Dean: Forever Young (2005)
Aleut Story (2005)
The 100 Greatest War Films (2005)
告诉他们你是谁 Tell Them Who You Are (2004)
The Rise of the Celebrity Class (2004)
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004)
Jerusalemski sindrom (2004)
Sex and the City: A Farewell (2004)
Rebel Frontier (2004)
Diary of a Political Tourist (2004)
Rated 'R': Republicans in Hollywood (2004)
Learning to Sea (2004)
Winning New Hampshire (2004)
Helen's War (2004)
Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde (2004)
The Nomi Song (2004)
The Commission (2003)
Milost mora (2003)
Absence of Malick (2003)
Freedom: A History of Us (2003)
Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2003)
Comedy Central Roast of Denis Leary (2003)
Hidden in Plain Sight (2003)
Get Up, Stand Up (2003)
All the Presidents' Movies (2003)
逍遥法外/神鬼交锋(台)/捉智双雄(港)/猫鼠游戏 Catch Me If You Can (2002)
We the People (2002)
The Making of Bret Michaels (2002)
The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002)
When Shoulderpads Ruled the World (2002)
Straight Up: Helicopters in Action (2002)
Rosy-Fingered Dawn: a Film on Terrence Malick (2002)
The West Wing Documentary Special (2002)
Sudbina mi nije dala da odem (2002)
The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2002)
Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion (2002)
奥塞罗/千方百计(台)/奥塞罗情杀篇(港) Othello(2001)
男保姆 The Maid (2001)
7th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2001)
The Apostle Paul: The Man Who Turned the World Upside Down. (2001)
Stockpile (2001)
Biography Charlie Sheen: Born to Be Wild (2001)
SOA: Guns and Greed (2001)
Heroes for the Planet: A Tribute to National Geographic (2001)
Hollywood, D.C. (2000)
The 52nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2000)
Money Never Sleeps (2000)
枪战 Gunfighter (2000)
拦截暴风眼 Storm (1999)
Chicken Soup for the Soul (1999)
D.R.E.A.M. Team (1999)
犯罪天堂路 Dillinger and Capone (1999)
鬼爷爷 Texas Funeral,A (1999)
第九大街 Ninth Street (1999)
幻影谋杀案 Darklings,The (1999)
失去与得到 Lost & Found (1999)
监狱来的恶魔 Letter From Death Row (1998)
纪念碑大街 Snitch (1998)
意外之财 Free Money (1998)
No Code of Conct (1998)
Babylon 5: The River of Souls (1998)
危机大作战 Voyage of Terror (1998)
沙德里奇 Shadrach (1998)
No Code of Conct (1998)
意外之财 Free Money (1998)
再生侠Spawn (1997)
痞子大逃亡 Truth or Consequences, N.M. (1997)
魔鬼潜舰 Hostile Waters (1997)
泰坦尼克号:解析灾难 Titanic: Anatomy of a Disaster (1997)
禁止降落/魔鬼计划 Mesa's Child (1997)
An Act of Conscience (1997)
Croatia: Land of 1,100 Islands & 101 Dalmatians (1997)
Tudjman (1997)
Corazón de... (1997)
Gun (1997)
187: Documented (1997)
爱情边缘 Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (1996)
Project: ALF (1996)
The War at Home (1996)
Alchemy (1996)
Crystal Cave (1996)
The Elevator (1996)
Marlon Brando: The Wild One (1996)
Raise the Bamboo Curtain: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Burma (1996)
The Rosie O'Donnell Show (1996)
Spin City (1996)
The War at Home (1996)
美国总统The American President (1995)
The Break (1995)
Captain Nuke and the Bomber Boys (1995)
柏林大审判 Judgment in Berlin (1994)
盖茨堡之役Gettysburg (1993)
当树枝折断时When the bough breaks (1993)
Alive: 20 Years Later (1993)
Braving Alaska (1993)
The King and I: Recording a Hollywood Dream (1993)
The Making of 'Gettysburg' (1993)
A Matter of Justice (1993)
My Home, My Prison (1993)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993)
Queen (1993)
1968: The 25th Anniversary (1993)
希望之家 Original Intent (1992)
The Water Engine (1992)
Choices (1992)
The Last P.O.W.? The Bobby Garwood Story (1992)
Running Wild (1992)
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1992)
The Godfather Family: A Look Inside (1991)
黑暗之心 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991)
刺杀肯尼迪/谁杀了甘乃迪(台)/惊天大刺杀(港) JFK (1991)
偷心男保姆 The Maid (1991)
冤狱 Guilty Until Proven Innocent (1991)
Jugoslavenska Armija pomaze srpski terorizam (1991)
Pomozite Hrvatskoj (1991)
Srpski vodovi smrti (1991)
Touch and Die (1991)
Cadence (1990)
Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990)
致命拦截 Cold Front (1989)
爆炸最前线 Nightbreaker (1989)
比佛利小子 Beverly Hills Brats (1989)
飞跃星际 Beyond The Stars (1989)
致命拦截 Cold Front (1989)
爆炸最前线 Nightbreaker (1989)
Cross Over (1989)
Marked for Murder (1989)
The More You Know (1989)
Da (1988)
柏林大审判 Judgment in Berlin (1988)
Get Out the Vote (1988)
Walking After Midnight (1988)
纽约大怪谈 Believers (1987)
华尔街Wall Street (1987)
情不自禁 Siesta (1987)
Apocalypse Pooh (1987)
The China Odyssey: 'Empire of the Sun', a Film by Steven Spielberg (1987)
Biography Biography (1987)
Atocha: Quest for Treasure (1986)
泰坦尼克号之谜 National Geographic Video: Secrets of the Titanic (1986)
News at Eleven (1986)
Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story (1986)
Shattered Spirits (1986)
A State of Emergency (1986)
破碎的彩虹 Broken Rainbow (1986)
Consenting Alt (1985)
The Fourth Wise Man (1985)
Out of the Darkness (1985)
In the Name of the People (1985)
Spaceflight (1985)
The Atlanta Child Murders (1985)
凶火 Firestarter (1984)
The Guardian (1984)
Enigma (1983)
Choices of the Heart (1983)
再死一次 The Dead Zone (1983)
巴黎来的私生子 Man,Woman and Child (1983)
再死一次 Dead Zone,The (1983)
冠军季节 That Championship Season (1983)
甘地传Gandhi (1982)
I Love Liberty (1982)
In the Custody of Strangers (1982)
No Place to Hide (1982)
Loophole (1981)
Entertainment Tonight (1981)
碧血长天 The Final Countdown (1980)
现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979)
Eagle's Wing (1979)
Circus of the Stars #3 (1979)
A Salute to American Imagination (1978)
Taxi!!! (1978)
卡桑德拉大桥Cassandra Crossing,The (1976)
黑巷少女Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane,The (1976)
America at the Movies (1976)
Sweet Hostage (1975)
The Last Survivors (1975)
Saturday Night Live (1975)
The California Kid (1974)
劫后亡魂 The Execution of Private Slovik (1974)
The Missiles of October (1974)
The Legend of Earl Durand (1974)
The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd (1974)
穷山恶水 Badlands (1973)
Catholics (1973)
Columbo: Lovely But Lethal (1973)
Crime Club (1973)
Letters from Three Lovers (1973)
Message to My Daughter (1973)
When the Line Goes Through (1973)
Love Story (1973)
那个夏日 That Certain Summer (1972)
Rage (1972)
越战归来 Welcome Home,Johnny Bristol (1972)
No Drums, No Bugles (1972)
Pickup on 101 (1972)
Pursuit (1972)
Goodbye, Raggedy Ann (1971)
Mongo's Back in Town (1971)
The Andersonville Trial (1970)
第22条军规/二十二支队/鸟龙疯狂大轰炸 Catch-22 (1970)
Then Came Bronson Pilot (1969)
Medical Center (1969)
玫瑰怨 Subject Was Roses,The (1968)
Titanic: Anatomy of a Disaster
Pat Neal Is Back (1968)
Hawaii Five-O (1968)
意外事件/纽约夜快车 The Incident (1967)
Ten Blocks on the Camino Real (1966)
The F.B.I. (1965)
The Defenders (1961)
Insight (1960)
Naked City (1958)
The Edge of Night (1956)
The United States Steel Hour (1953) Cadence (1990)
Then Came Bronson Pilot (1969) 爆炸最前线 Nightbreaker (1989)
Da (1988)
柏林大审判 Judgment in Berlin (1988)
CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984) Money Never Sleeps (2000)
质量效应2 幻影人 (2010)
质量效应3 幻影人 (2012) Strawberry Fields Keeping the Spirit of John Lennon Alive (2009)
Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde (2004)
红色警戒/狂林战曲(港)/细细的红线 The Thin Red Line (1998)

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