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『壹』 茶花女的英文版作者是谁什么时候翻译的


『贰』 求《茶花女》的英文简介和内容介绍

La Dame aux camélias

[Francesco Maria Piave's libretto for La traviata is based upon the novel La Dame aux camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils. The following article traces the creation of that work. - NMR]

Alexandre Dumas, fils (son), born in Paris in 1824, is considered one of the foremost French dramatists of the nineteenth century. He was the illegitimate son of Alexandre Dumas, pére (father), the author of such novels as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers.

Dumas was raised by his seamstress mother, Catherine Labay, until his father legally recognized him and assumed responsibility for his care. He attended college but left before receiving a degree. His illegitimacy caused him much unhappiness, both in private school and in college where he had few friends. At age seventeen, he moved in with his father, soon adopted his extravagant lifestyle and fell into debt. At the theatre one evening he first saw Marie Duplessis, already famous in the demimonde for her beauty and ability to get men to spend money on her. In an episode reflected in the opera, he was at her home one day when a coughing episode resulted in her spitting up blood. He urged her to change her way of life, but she replied, "I should die. This life of excitement is what keeps me alive". He offered the kind of life she would need to get well, and she finally agreed upon the condition. "You are not to spy on me, you are not to ask questions; I shall live exactly as I please without giving you any account of what I do." Thus began liaison, as a result of which Dumas was soon deeply in debt. Finally, he decided he must break with her and sent her the following letter.

My dear Marie, I am neither rich enough to love you as I should like, nor poor enough to be loved by you as you would like. There is nothing for us to do but forget — you a name which must mean very little to you; I a happiness which is no longer possible for me. Needless to tell you how miserable I am, since you know how I love you. So, this is goodbye. You are too tenderhearted not to understand the reason for this letter, too intelligent not to forgive me. A thousand souvenirs, — A.D.

He was on a trip to Spain and North Africa when he learned that she was gravely ill. He wrote to her, telling her he would return and ask for her forgiveness. But he waited too long. Duplessis died of tuberculosis in 1846. Her tragic death, along with bitterness over his illegitimacy, inspire Dumas to write the novel La Dame aux camélias (The Lady of the Camellias), portions of which are based on the Duplessis-Dumas affair. The name of the hero, Armand Duval, is a thin disguise for the author. Actually, Dumas tells the story in the third person as it was related to him by Armand Duval.

Dumas ends his novel with great admiration for his heroine: "I do not draw from this story the conclusion that all women like Marguerite are capable of doing all that she did...far from it; but I have discovered that one of them experienced a serious love in the course of her life, that she suffered for it, and that she died of it". In life, Dumas had tried to save her; in the novel he tried to redeem her memory by making her a much less self-centered and more sympathetic character. This is the Marie best known today in her manifestations as Violetta, Camille and Marguerite.

Dumas's greatest triumph came in 1852 with the proction of the stage adaptation of the play based on this novel. It faithfully portrayed the life of a Parisian courtesan and brought realism to the French stage. His father was at first skeptical of the proposal to convert the novel to a play but so moved by the result that he agreed to proce it. Censors feared audiences would recognize characters as admirers of Duplessis and create a scandal, delaying the opening for four years. A powerful member of the nobility, the Duc de Morny, half brother of Napoleón III, supported Dumas, and the play was a success. It enabled Duma to pay off his debts, many incurred with Marie. Henry James later observed, "Some tender young men and some coughing young women have only to speak the lines to give it a great place among the love stories of the world". Giuseppe Verdi apparently heartily agreed because he based his popular opera La traviata on Dumas's work.

The success of La traviata did not quiet the critics of Dumas's La Dame aux camélias. Some considered the story poor and clumsy and said it cast a very thin veil over the most immoral acts. The same critics said Marguerite Gautier (the name given to the Duplessis in the play) is totally corrupt and in real life would not have given up her lover until he had no money left to support her. One wrote, "We are bound to protest against the false halo which he has shed round Marquerite to render her attractive to the undiscriminating reader".

The critics and essayists have continued to evaluate Dumas's work. In a 1972 essay, Roger Clark wrote, "It is a society from which there can be no escape, in which the penalty for non-conformity is death". In 1874, Dumas was elected to the illustrious L'Academie Française, an act which also prompted severe criticism. It was said, "In comedies inherently vicious he pauses to preach virtue but with language shocking even to vice, yet he has been elected a member of the French Academy, constituted to be a tribunal of taste".

Clayton Hamilton attempted to explain why the play has held the stage for over a century. He believes that it is because every celebrated actress desires to play the role of Marguerite Gautier.

No woman has ever failed as Camille (the name later given the heroine in this country for no explicable reason). It is kept alive because it contains a very easy and celebrated part that every ambitious actress wants to play. La Dame aux camélias is brought back decade after decade, not by reason of the permanent importance of the suthor but by reason of recurrent aspirations of an ever-growing group of emotional actresses.

Among the famous actresses who have had successes as Camille were Eleanora Duse, Sarah Bernhardt and Greta Garbo, who starred in the 1937 film with Robert Taylor. Bernhardt first played the role in her thirties and continued it until a number of her 'farewell' tours when she was seventy and had only one leg.

Dumas had a relationship with a Russian princess in 1859. A daughter was born, but they did not acknowledge her as theirs until the princess was widowed. He continued to write material that shocked his contemporaries — eleven of his plays have illicit love as a theme — yet he was admitted to the Legion d'honneur. His wife died in 1895 and, after marrying his long-time mistress, he died that same year.

In 1929, the Chicago Civic Opera proced a new work, Camille by a young American composer, Hamilton Forrest, and commissioned by the famous soprano, Mary Garden. It was to be sung in French with a contemporary setting. After many delays, it finally opened to mixed reviews. Mary Garden was acclaimed, the music less so. One critic called it a masterpiece, another saw no future for it. It had a few more performances, and parts were broadcast on the radio; then it disappeared. Despite some recent attempts to revive interest in it, Camille is probably doomed to obscurity, while Verdi's La traviata continues to be one of the most popular and frequently performed operas.

茶花女》是法国亚历山大·仲马(Alexandre Dumas,年7月27日-1895年11月27日)的代表作,他为了与同为作家的父亲作区别,多称小仲马(Dumas, fils)。他本身是法国剧作家、小说家。《茶花女》是小仲马的代表作。 《茶花女》(La traviata)亦是朱塞佩·威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)作曲的四幕歌剧。意大利文剧本由皮亚威(Francesco Maria Piave)编写,改编自亚历山大·仲马於1848年出版的小说《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias,La dame aux Camélias)。歌剧於1853年3月6日在威尼斯凤凰歌剧院(Teatro la Fenice)首演。作品名称「La traviata」解作「流浪的妇人」,或「失落的人」。 故事的原著小说,亦被改拍成电影《茶花女》(Camille)(1936)。《情陷红磨坊》(Moulin Rouge!)(2001)亦是以茶花女作蓝本改编。


小仲马(1824~1895),19 世纪法国著名小说家、戏剧家。他的父亲是以多产闻名于世的杰出作家大仲马。在大仲马奢侈豪华而又飘浮不定的生活影响下,小仲马最初“觉得用功和游戏都索然寡味”。20岁时,他就结识了一些有夫之妇,过着纸醉金边的生活。另一方面,小仲马就热切地期望着自己也能像父亲一样,扬名于文坛。于是,他也开始从现实中取材,从妇女、婚姻等问题中寻找创作的灵感。

阿尔芒禁仍深深地怀念着玛格丽特,他又失魂落魄地来到巴黎。他决心报复玛格丽特的“背叛”。他找到了玛格丽特,处处给她难堪。骂她是没有良心、无情无义的娼妇,把爱情作为商品出卖。玛格丽特面对阿尔芒的误会,伤心地劝他忘了自己,永远不要再见面。阿尔芒却要她与自己一同逃离巴黎,逃到没人认识他们的地方,紧紧守着他们的爱情。玛格丽特说她不能那样,因为她已经起过誓,阿尔芒误以为她和男爵有过海誓山盟,便气愤地给玛格丽特写信侮辱她,并寄去了一叠钞票 玛格丽特受了这场刺激,一病不起。新年快到了,玛格丽特的病情更严重了,脸色苍白,没有一个人来探望她,她感到格外孤寂。迪瓦尔先生来信告诉她,他感谢玛格丽特信守诺言,已写信把事情的真象告诉了阿尔芒,现在玛格丽特唯一的希望就是再次见到阿尔芒。
临死前,债主们都来了,带着借据,逼她还债。执行官奉命来执行判决,查封了她的全部财产,只等她死后就进行拍卖。弥留之际,她不断地呼喊着阿尔芒的名字,“从她的睛里流出了无声的眼泪”。她始终没有再见到她心爱的人。 死后只有一个好心的邻居米利为她入殓。当阿尔芒重回到巴黎时,她把玛格丽特的一本日记交给了她。从日记中,阿尔芒才知道了她的高尚心灵。“除了你的侮辱是你始终爱我的证据外,我似乎觉得你越是折磨我,等到你知道真相的那一天,我在你眼中也就会显得越加崇高。”

『叁』 急求一篇《茶花女》读后感(英文版)


感谢小仲马塑造了茶花女这样一个可悲却又可敬的美丽女子。然而,希望那已死去的花朵再次从泥土中萌芽、重生的时候,远离那阴暗的墙角,能每天和阳光为伴,即使不再那么美丽,也不要重复前世的悲剧。 Holy soul ----La Deme Aux Camelias" impressions of after-reading In the corner drills a camellia. Cloudy and cold, dark, moist, does not have the sunlight corner, the erosion is its nourishment. However, this camellia actually compared to other camellia, even other any one plants flowers beautifully, US refinedly, US astonishingly, US as if deluded. But every flower yearns for the sunlight. A spot, bumps diligently again diligently, in the camellia touches sunlight that flash, because in it the sunlight moistens, but tender and beautiful desire drop's that flash, the heartless wind has broken off the flowering branch, let it pour in the cloudy and cold corner, crawled again incapable, touched that sunlight again at arm's length. God is benevolent, to make up the destiny to its unfair, after has not let it on the wane, dies again, but let it maintains the beautiful appearance was leaving in society. the Marguerite's love tragedy story is this. As soon as lies between the feeble constitution women in profligately, and in the non-goal's life pursued has loved really, for this reason gave up massive creature comfort which one became accustomed to, gave up all being able to cause itself temporarily the joyful erosion habits and customs, only to strive for to be able with the human who most loved to stay in the same place. Must crawl from the depth mire, is must make the very big effort and the determination, moreover must cause the most mild degree by the spate pollution. Marguerite has achieved, moreover does is splendid. Might so huge payout, receive in exchange was still the people does not understand and pushes aside, but also had the selfish people's evil intention to stab. The huge resistance caused Marguerite and the spouse finally has separated, the time which the misunderstanding caused most to love person which most needs to comfort again shames her, this was the what kind painful matter? Perhaps really, only then dies may save her. Yes, Marguerite has died, lonely dying, also did not have again has been living the time luxury, before the innumerable sweetheart have also forgotten her. Before death life is the stir, dies time is lonely. also perhaps, Marguerite is not the complete tragedy character, at least, she obtained has loved really, her soul obtained the purification. The woman of quality people only saw she has lived luxurious and material enjoyment, actually did not know that her noble sentiment is also can not hold a candle. The strange capitalism upper circles of society's people, despise the profligate prostitute obviously, actually must force girls into prostitution. If Marguerite has not lived dirtily in such one, false, the cruel capitalism time, perhaps she is Virgin mother. What a pity such society, such time, also will be tarnished including Mary. But in Marguerite is tarnished under the body, tenacious and the holy soul is precisely the readers secret sob reason.
Thanks mas fils have molded La Deme Aux Camelias such one pitifully actually the respectable beautiful female. However, hoped that has died flowers once more from soil seed, rebirth time, is far away from that gloomy corner, can with the sunlight be the partner every day, even if so is no longer beautiful, also do not plicate the previous generation the tragedy.

『肆』 茶花女中对玛格丽特容颜的描写英文版


『伍』 波兰英文版茶花女


『陆』 茶花女小说的英文名

《The Lady of the Camellias》(英文)
《La dame aux Camélias》 (法文)
《茶花女》是法国亚历山大·小仲马 (Alexandre Dumasfils 1824年7月27日-1895年11月27日)的代表作,他为了与同名作家的父亲作区别,多称小仲马(Dumas, fils)。他本身是法国剧作家、小说家。《茶花女》是小仲马的代表作。 《茶花女》(La traviata)亦是朱塞佩·威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)作曲的三幕歌剧。意大利文剧本由皮亚威(Francesco Maria Piave)编写,改编自亚历山大·仲马於1848年出版的小说《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias,La dame aux Camélias)。歌剧於1853年3月6日在威尼斯凤凰歌剧院(Teatro la Fenice)首演。作品名称"La traviata"译作“流浪的妇人”,或“失落的人”。 故事的原著小说,亦被改拍成电影《茶花女》(Camille)(1936)。《情陷红磨坊》(Moulin Rouge!)(2001)亦是以茶花女作蓝本改编。 《茶花女》最早由林纾(即林琴南)译作汉语。

『柒』 茶花女,双城记,野性的呼唤英文版哪本比较简单


『捌』 茶花女英文是什么

La Traviata

『玖』 茶花女英文版txt下载谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

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『拾』 茶花女 主要内容 英文版

"The Lady of the Camellias" is a French tragic play based on Alexandre Dumas (the younger) 1848 novel by the same name, (it is sometimes referred to as "Camille"). The play was adapted for the theater by Dumas in 1852 and then for the opera by the composer Verdi's 'La Traviata' in 1853. The play became a favorite of audiences in the late 19th century.

The story is set in Paris ring the mid 1800's.

The lead heroine is Marguerite Gautier, a young beautiful courtesan who is a "kept woman" by counts and kes -- men of "Fashionable Society". She meets a young middle class lover Armand Duval who does the unpardonable thing of falling jealously in love with her and breaking all convention of what's expected between a courtesan and her admirers. He, of course, has no way of sustaining the standard of living which she is accustom.

In her fragile physical state (Marguerite has tuberculosis which we learn later) she moves to the country. There in her new house, a confrontation between the jealous Armand and her rich admirers and "benefactors" takes place. For the first time she sticks up for her lover -- making a life choice -- and they are left indignantly and alone.

Armand becomes depressed, his career seems doomed by the intolerance of French society, and knowing he will never be able to support Marguerite to the level she deserves. Unbeknownst to Armand, his father comes to plead for her to leave Armand to save both his son's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister -- whom is also tainted by the scandal. To prove her love, she agrees and leaves Armand. She returns to Paris where she despairingly throws herself back into her old lifestyle. Armand can't believe she's left and searches for her -- finally finding her in Paris in the arms of a new lover.

Time passes.

The two accidentally meet again in public. Marguerite is now in the company of a another beautiful courtesan and Armand begins "paying court" not with her but with her friend trying to strike back at Marguerite out of his own sense of hurt. Deathly ill, Marguerite visits Armand one last time to plead that he stop humiliating her, and they make love again -- both unable to deny the passion for each other. But Marguerite is haunted by guilt that she can only harm Armand and remembering her promise to his father -- she abandons him yet again as he sleeps.

Armand is incensed when he wakes. Finding Marguerite at a grand ball with all society around, he approaches her and hands her an envelope stuffed full of money – "Here! Payment for your services.” She collapses as he walks out.

Abandoned by all her friends from the humiliation of Armand act, exposed publicly for what she really is, she dies penniless, painfully and alone -- cast off by all the men that used her.

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